Settling In

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Sam sat up at the very end, he was looking at Castiel intently. Jess looked at both in pity. Mary just stared at her eldest son. She was staring as if she were trying to figure out the worlds hardest puzzle. John was watching Sam. John watched him with slight amazement in his eyes. Proudness.
Proud of his lawyer son who was willing to take in his older brother and help him in his time of need when John would've slammed the door.
"Dean," Sam started, Dean looked up. "Get Castiel into nicer clothes, there's some in the spare bedroom." Dean assumed the spare bedroom was his old room so he took Castiel to the spare bedroom.
Dean couldn't say he was surprised when he saw that the room had been completely redone. New paint, which was a hideous brown now, new bed set, dresser, everything.
Dean worked his way towards the dresser were he pulled out a fresh set of clothes for Castiel.
"Here." Dean said and handed him a new shirt and pants. "Take these and get changed." Dean tossed him a pair of boxers and ushered him to the bathroom. While he waited patiently for Castiel to finished changing he examined the newly done room. They had even filled in DW which had been carved into this wall when he was younger. Now there was just a faint outline that was only noticeable if you looked directly at it from a foot away. It broke his heart seeing all this become just a faint memory now. What could he expect though, his family barely even loved him. He was just a-
"Dean." Castiels voice broke through his train of thought. "I have finished changing." Dean turned away from the engraving and smiled at Castiel. He led him back outside into the living room where he was accompanied by hushed whispers that quieted right down once they stepped through the door. All the eyes landed on them and Deans eyes instantly fell to the floor. He led Cas to the couch and sat him down. Both awaited what was going to come next.
"So..." Sam startle slowly. "I decided to help you guys out." Dean let out a sigh of relief, out of the corner of his eyes he could see Castiel psychically loosen at that and he gave Sam the smallest thank you smile. "I don't believe you have told me the whole story but I don't want to right now. Just..." He faded out quietly. His eyes glancing at John who nodded sharply. "Let's just finish dinner." Both of them nodded, nothing bothering to question that, and sat down at the table.
The dinner went by extremely slow. No one spoke and when someone did, it was quiet and barely audible. To make it even more awkward, John had hardly taken his eyes off Dean and Castiel.
"Here you guys go," Jess said showing the room to the two boys. "I hope this is enough room for the both of you." Dean smiled sweetly an thanked her, he brought Castiel in carefully and took a bed.
He and Castiel sat on the beds in silence, Castiel was fiddling with his fingers and Dean was tapping his knee to an unknown beat.
After what seemed like forever of silence, Dean spoke up, "it'll be alright, Cas." His voice was soft, it sent a wave of reassurance through Castiel and he smiled weakly up at Dean.
"I hope."
Dean woke up to voices. He glanced at Castiel who was still soundly sleeping.
"You can't be serious!" He heard Sam yell. But it wasn't quite yelling. More like, loud talking.
"Oh, Sam come on you can't possibly think that either of them did this! We don't even know the full story yet- this is your brother Sam! Your own blood brother!" He heard Jess' footsteps storm off-no not off, towards the door.
He door knob turned and the second it opened their eyes made eye contact. Jess smiled sweetly, her foot jerked forward a little but she stayed put.
"I made some breakfast, if you want to wake Castiel up it'll be ready in about five minutes." Dean simply nodded, not wanting to speak at the moment. Jess smiled quickly and shut the door. Dean walked over to Castiel's bed and lightly shook him.
"Cas." Dean said softly. "Hey, Jess made breakfast."
Castiel mumbled something and turned away. "Cas." He said louder. "We have to get up." Castiel sighed and rolled to face Dean.
"Right now?" Dean smiled softly and nodded.
"Right now, Cas. Cmon-here put these on." Dean gave Castiel some clothes to wear.
Dean walked out of the room and waited for Castiel to finish getting dressed before they both entered the dining room for breakfast.
"Good morning you two." Jess said sweetly, Dean smiled in return and Castiel mumbled a good morning back. Jess shot Sam a quick glare before sitting down. Sam sighed and muttered an angry 'morning'.
The four ate in silence, picking away at the waffles and bacon. This time Jess didn't bother to make any conversation starters.
There was so much tension in the air right now between Dean and Sam you could feel it a mile away.
After a long and painful half hour of silence, Sam stood up and announced he was off to work. Jess kissed him goodbye and ushered an I love you before he walked out the door.
She turned and smiled at the two boys.
"You're welcome to stay all day but you can go out and visit the city if you'd like. I'll be out at work in an hour so the house will be empty. Please do not break anything and be very careful."
"We aren't going to break anything we aren't children." Jess rolled her eyes slightly and went off to the bathroom to get prepared for work.
"Dean." Castiel said after a long silence.
"Yeah?" Dean replied, turning to face Castiel.
"Thank you." He didn't have to say anything more than that for Dean to know what he was saying.
For saving me.

Lol oops I haven't updated in forever whoops

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