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The bell rings and tiny makes it to the door of the classroom with his friend digger

The teacher comes inside the classroom and tells his students to settle down

"Ok class this is mr ben and today we will talk about making a paragraph" he explained in a monotone voice

He puts up a board to demonstrate making a sentence, furthermore, digger felt bored and decides to pull a prank

"Hey tiny I have an idea (whispers)" digger spoke

"Good idea" tiny whispered

Tiny starts writing and asks a question while digger crawls on the ground, the teacher goes to the dest and digger puts a whoopie cushion in the teachers chair

Digger returns to his disk with a grin and looks away, the teacher sits on the chair making the whoopie cushion deflate making the students laugh

"Alright class who did this" ben called making the class silent and digger tried his best not to laugh

Mr ben didn't hear anyone say a word so he starts giving them extra homework making them whine

"Nice going digger" captain comment in a sarcastic manner

Digger and tiny go to lunch and sit on a table, captain starts chuckling and throws an apple at digger "hey who threw that" digger yelled, he gets food thrown at him and throws it back and it lands on another person

"oh no this isn't going to end well" tiny commented, one kid shouts food fight and everybody starts throwing food leaving a messy area

However, the principal walks to the lunchroom and the students stop the food fight immediately

"Who started this" the principal called, captain and digger pointed at each other and argued "you started this captain"

"No you started this, you made the teacher give us more homework"  they argued, the principal had enough and made them go to his office

"this isn't how you two should behave now tell me what happened" he asked

"He started throwing an apple so I threw food at him" digger explained

"You made the teacher give us homework and you know I hate doing homework" captain argued

"You know, I had a call from your teacher saying that you pranked him with a whoopie cushion and for you captain you shouldn't have thrown food at digger" he responded

"What makes you think I did that" digger questioned

"There was complaints from classmates and they saw you do it, for that I'll have to send both of you in detention do I make myself clear" he stated

they both agreed with the principal and spent minutes on detention while tiny went home

Digger goes to her mom's car " um digger I had call from the principal saying you had detention" she spoke

"I pranked the teacher because I hated him and I got into a food fight with a classmate because of my prank" digger responded

"Look I know you had a problem with the teacher but you shouldn't be getting into trouble" her mom replied

"I know mom" digger said as the car stops at his house

Tiny takes a walk and visits the kelpie house and digger opens the door "hello" he said

"Hi can I come inside" tiny asked

"Sure (moves out of the way)" digger responded

The great dane goes in and his friend tells him about his house "Welcome to my house here i practice cricket at the backyard with rusty and here is where I play video games" he explained

Digger showed him some disks for xbox and chose minecraft

The game turns on and he starts to play

Tiny sees him build a minecraft house and asks for a turn so he gives him the game controller and starts moving around and putting blocks in a random place

Digger takes a turn and starts looking for ores in a cave

10 minutes later

"I found all that I need but hey wanna play another game" digger spoke

"Sure" he replied

The kelpie started playing a game called batman arkham city

"Do you want to try just press this to run and this to fight" he asked

"Sure but also my mom hates when I play fighting games because she thinks it causes violence" tiny said

"What hahaha that's not true she just hates video games to be honest with you" digger replied

Tiny tries it out and fights some enemies in the game

"Looks like your getting good at the game" digger stated

He played for 2 hours and gave digger the controller, digger started taking out the disk to play a different game, then he started playing sonic generations

"Lets see and go" he spoke

He kept playing for an hour and tiny got tired and started laying on the couch "tired already well since it's nighttime we'll just stay here until the morning" digger addressed

The kelpie yawned and started to sleep on his bunk bed

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