the new school

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Bluey had finished glasshouse primary school and had to take secondary highschool at 14, she already spent 2 days in the school and sighed as she had good memories from her school

"Ugh I miss calypso, (she breathes in and out) but now it's time for me to go forward"

Bluey walks to the school and makes her way to the classroom and finds a chair to sit in

"Hey Hercules is this seat taken"

"Nope go ahead" Hercules answered

the teacher starts to talk about writing and reading

"Ok class today you will be reading a book called The Great Gatsby" she informed as she assigned them to read and write about the story

Bluey opened up the book and started reading a chapter and needed to take some notes for her assignment

The bell rings and Bluey read about 5 pages so she takes it with her in he backpack and walks to the hallway

"Hey bluey its nice to see you" judo spoke

"Nice to see you too judo and you seemed to have trimmed your fur"

"Yeah, it felt hot today so I trimmed it, do you like it"

Judo was waiting for her answer

"Of course and I want to show you this book"

" oh I've heard about that book, I would like to read it" judo commented

" I haven't finished it yet the teacher just gave us this book, so how have your classes been" bluey asked

"There's this one class I like called theatre where you can act and perform" judo explained

"That's amazing, would you like to be an actor when you're older"

" I would like to be one if I can perform well with my movements and I have a good voice"

Bluey smiled as they were walking
"I know you can do it judo"

Judo felt joyful from bluey's encouragement

"Thanks bluey"

After school, bluey returned to her home

"Hey mum" bluey called

Chilli got up from her chair
"Hey bluey good to see you"

"My teacher gave us this book to read"

"That's an interesting book"

"Of course so where's dad"

"He's almost here, he just dug up some fossils" chilli answered

Bandit then arrived at the house and went inside

" hello, I've been out for a while now"

"I'm glad you came, I'm starting to like my new school"

"Cool and for me I'm just going to go to the backyard for some exercise (walks outside)"

Bluey goes outside to the backyard
"I have an idea, maybe rusty's dad could teach you about exercising"

"Sure thing, I've been wanting to get back in shape" bandit replied as he went to his car to drive

Bandit used google earth to find the location to rusty's house

They both arrived and got off the car to walk to the door

Dusty hears the doorbell and runs to the door, she opens the door seeing bluey and bandit "hello bluey, hey dad come over here" dusty called

They went inside and saw his dad "g'day mate you must be bandit heeler"

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