My name is..?

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They spent a few more days on the island before curiosity and pent up energy got the best of them. They went back into the boathouse on the far side of the island, choosing a different boat than the one they had gotten their food with. This one had a small motor. It was only a two mile stretch of water until the mainland. A library sat in the center of the small fishing town, that was where they were heading.
The ocean was calm and serene as they boated through it, sunlight bouncing off the water in sparkling rays. They hadn't spoken too much over the past week as they each struggled to work through memories and flashbacks that kept them down for hours.
There was a routine now, they realized how much structure could benefit their spinning heads. Workouts in the morning (their sessions lasted over four hours), reading and lunch, cleaning up the house for a little bit, and dinner each night. Every dinner was a chance to talk through what they could remember that day, but it was sparse information. Neither of them could recall much about their childhoods.
Bucky was sure that he was an orphan who had a little sister with a name like Rebecca or Rosaline or Roberta; he wasn't sure. He enlisted in the army in 1941. He was tortured by Arnim Zola at some point, a man they were both familiar with. The right hand scientist of the Red Skull. His memories about Steve Rogers, his best friend, had resurfaced as well.
She didn't have much either, though she could remember her mothers face. She could remember turning ten in 1978, just before her mother was killed. It was the first date she could remember, and she had practically tackled Bucky on his way to the kitchen to tell him about it. Having that memory of her birthday was monumental for the both of them, because it pinpointed a date of birth. Some time around October of 1968. They had tried to determine the year it was currently, but the ship they had piloted was a model from 1998 and it was definitely older than the technology of Shields helicarriers. Their guess was 2008, and if Bucky was born around World War I, that made them about 50 and about 80 years old. Neither of them looked or felt older than 25 or 30, so the revelation was not something to be celebrated, not to them. Each memory they unlocked only increased their confusion; too much too fast.
So here they were, venturing into civilization for answers.

"We can dock at the far side of this ridge." Bucky was talking to himself, which was fine since she was only half listening. They tied the boat to the base of a tree on the shore and began walking towards the city. She was wearing a pair of clean cargo pants and a long sleeved henley that she found in the master bedroom upstairs. It appeared that the couple did not have many belongings in the house when she was there, unless it had been cleaned out. They found three hideous dresses, a shitty assortment of undershirts, pants, and a few pairs of socks in the armoire upstairs.
She and Bucky had to share that small wardrobe, making her grateful that her boobs were small enough to go braless. The only thing she even had upon their arrival was a thick camisole that was fitted under her uniform. Bucky was dressed in dark denim jeans and a green flannel sweater, a black glove worn over his metal hand.
Their walks, workouts, and meals were quiet. Talking wasn't something she was really supposed to do during missions, and it was hard to start conversations. What do two brainwashed assassins even talk about? Their discussions were either about the memories they had, or planning ahead for any situations they could face going forward.
The fact that they were still at each other's side was a surprise to her. Bucky was a lone wolf through and through; she was quiet and reserved. They might be happier on their own, but would they be safer? No. Whether they liked it or not, separating now would put them at greater risk. Together, very few people stood any chance at finding them, capturing them, or killing them.

The weather was calm and breezy today. Large clouds dotted the sky, but the sun was shining brightly enough to melt the morning frost. They were approaching a small town by the name of Centrum, and Bucky began walking faster since he knew where he wanted to go. It was very annoying when he did that, it always left her to run after him like a lost puppy. She increased her pace as they passed the main docking area, dozens of small fishing boats and a large ferry sitting in the bay.
They made it to the library quickly, the city so tiny that they could run across it in the blink of an eye. The library was in the center of the town. It was an old fashioned stone building with gargoyles placed around every corner. There was a woman sitting at the front desk when they walked inside, Blaze gave her a practiced smile. The woman said something that sounded like "Hello, how can I help you" in Swedish, but that was not a language she knew. Bucky didn't either. It had similar inflections to German, so that's the language she went with. It felt strange in her mouth, she had not used it in a few years, despite her extensive knowledge of the language.
"<I apologize, we do not know Swedish,>" she informed the woman in German, hoping it would be enough to get their point across.
"<That's alright, my father was German,>" she replied, looking a bit less enthusiastic than before.
"<We were hoping to use a computer or see a newspaper? Do you have those here?>" she tried not to cringe, her lack of knowledge about modern day technology was definitely a sign that she didn't belong. Bucky wasn't any help, of course, standing there like the lifeless statue he was trained to be.
"<Come this way.>" They followed the woman through a couple small hallways until they reached a room with small computers lining the wall, a cluster of them occupied by young students. She was taken aback by the tiny boxes, she thought computers were enormous and loud, not quaint and quiet. Bucky still had no reactions, not ones he felt like sharing at least.
"<Thank you ma'am,>" she said, ducking her head and walking towards the edge of the room for a computer at the end of the line. She sat down and began messing around with the mouse while Bucky stood behind her. He was taking up a watch out of habit. It was difficult to be around so many civilians, she was glad to have him there while she pulled up the internet search tab.
"Search google or type a URL," she murmured, reading the instructions on the screen. She had absolutely no idea what computers could do, let alone what a URL or a google were. There was a panel in front of her with a bunch of lettered keys, so she clicked "G" "O" "O" "G" "L" "E". The screen changed and the date was right there, glaring at them in fun colors.

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