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Not So Unfortunate Weather
Of course, the day Bennett went to see Razor, there was a thunderstorm. It was just his luck. Since he was deathly afraid of thunderstorms, he was cowering in a corner, jolting with every sudden noise.

"Is Bennett scared?" Razor asked, head tilted slightly.

The adventurer didn't respond. Razor took his silence as an answer. "No need fear, Bennett. Razor here." he scouted next to Bennetts crouched form.

A warm touch sparking his senses as Razor patted my head. The rhythmic soothing seemed to calm Bennett as his breaths became steadier with each gentle tap. As Thunder and lightning crackled outside, a gust of wind swept in, leaves whirling round in the strong breeze. The sudden current sent a series of chill through the unlucky.

That same warmth brushed his back, making small circles. His shoulders tensed, blush a mist his surprised expression, but he soon found himself leaning onto the wolfboy's touch.

"Do you know how long the storm will last?" Bennett asked, resting his head on the others shoulder.

"No..." Razor mumbled, "Razor will protect lupical."

"Lupical...?" Bennett echoed. Recently Razor had been talking about someone he called 'lupical'. He would talk about him for hours but never disclosed their true name, well that was...

"Protect... lupical."

"Lupical ... is ... Bennett."

Until now.

All this time, Bennett had been the one on Razors mind. The one thing Razor was never tired of discussing. The one Razor blabbed on and on about. The one Razor declared his unconditional devotion to.

As Bennett processed the three simple yet utterly complex words the wolfboy had spoken, the raging storm had begun to subside, being reduced to harsh, pelting rain.

Razor stood as thought nothing had happened. "Look. Storm gone now, Benny."

The unlucky adventurer shivered, the frigid air feeling colder without Razor's warm touch. His eyes widened, hearing Razor use his nickname.

"We don't have to go so soon. It's still raining, and with my luck, we'd both catch a cold for sure," Bennett reasoned, hoping they could stay as they were for a little longer.

Razor, recalling his last experience with a doctor, retreated, sliding down next to Bennett, his arm wrapping around the others waist. Bennett rested his head once more on the gray haired boy.

"...Lupical..." Bennett whispered, smiling sweetly. The pitter-pattering of the rain drifting them both to a peaceful slumber.

The End.

394 words
A/N This is something new I've been working on. I've met Razor once but not Bennett.

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