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Megumi Fushiguro, seven-years-old, currently attending Elementary school, could only stare at his lunch box in silence. No matter how delicious and cutely decorated his bento box was nor the delicious aroma wafting around to his fellow near classmates, he couldn't forget how his lunchbox landed on his hands.

Most kids his age can say that their parents or guardian woke up early in the morning, made their lunches, walked them to school, and finally handed them their bentos-Megumi couldn't.

He'll be a liar if he said that's how he got his lunch but he refuses to be known as a liar.

Megumi refuses to tell anyone how his bento got delivered safe for his teachers that witnessed the whole situation play out.

How could Megumi explain that he forgot his lunch at home today until his guardian noticed it and decided to Olympic sprint all the way to his school, parkour around obstacles and people, scaled a building, jumped from roof to roof, back flipped off the building next to his school, landed in a squat position in front of him, and handed him his forgotten box.

Megumi could only stare blankly at his guardian while passing parents and teachers gawked at the sheer insanity they witnessed. His guardian- a young woman wearing tan colored apron with a Shiba Inu logo in front, a face mask covering her bottom half of her face, short platinum blonde hair swaying with the wind, glistening violet eyes staring down at the elementary kid like she didn't just break world records to deliver a lunch box.

"...Thank you, Yu-san."


The female just nodded her head and proceeded to walk home normally.

Megumi couldn't complain. Even though his guardian had her eccentricities and practically perform inhuman stunts, she took care of him like one else had. Yu made sure Megumi was healthy and clothed, never go to bed hungry, had every necessity available met.

Megumi enjoyed his bento box. Nothing could beat Yu's homemade food. Now all he had to do is wait for school to be over. Megumi just hopes that Yu won't attract attention to herself.

"Aoi-San...who's that?"

A woman questioned her fellow colleague. The said colleague could only sigh as she gripped the broom on her hands tightly, "That's Fushiguro Yu. She's only here when we have clearance sales."

"Isn't she...a bit...much.." Both woman looked towards Yu doing stretches as the blonde kept eyeing the stuff on clearance. The violet eyed girl prepared herself for the true battle of a lifetime...70% off prices.

Yu finished stretching and steeled herself for what's to come. Megumi needed better socks and gloves for winter...even though it was months away...BUT one could never be TOO careless with stuff like this. Yu made a promise to care and raise Megumi. Soccer moms and elderly folk will not tear her away from her true goals. Maybe a pack of ramen later for herself...

"Aoi-San...is Fushiguro alright?"

The worker named Aoi shrugged her shoulders. She was used to seeing the blonde come in the store and fight others like a rabid dog for a pair of stupidity. All she knew is that clearance day, was the day that Fushiguro Yu was summoned from the abyss itself. Aoi often questioned her motives until the day she saw Megumi being carried by the blonde.

"She has a kid. Mama bear gotta protect her kid."

"I'm not a mom.." Yu thought to herself. The blonde knew of the gossiping ladies by the corner, "Also im not a fushiguro either..I couldn't do anything about it and Megumi didn't help either.."

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here? Fushiguro Yu." A rough male voice mocked out. Yu turned her head to meet narrower eyes of an old man. The old man glared at her as did the female, "We meet again."

MY BABYSITTER'S- //JUJUTSU KAISEN// GOJO SATORUWhere stories live. Discover now