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"What are you doing here?" Megumi grumbled in annoyance at seeing the famed white haired sorcerer, "You made Yu-nee mad last time so you're no good."

Satoru blinked multiple times seeing the young boy he's been trying to find for over a year immediately dislike him the day after. Megumi went from indifferent to straight up "get out" to Satoru in one day. How much power does Yu have on that boy?

"Oya? What made you dislike me so much?" Satoru questioned.

Megumi scoffed and crossed his arms glaring at the taller male, "You made Yu-nee mad. She's never been mad at anyone before nor wary before."

Satoru gulped a bit. Seems the situation regarding Fushiguro Yu was more complicated than he anticipated. After the whole dream conversation he had with Yu's supposed inner self and escaped the hospital he was in. He still holds a grudge about it but what can he do?

Anyways, Satoru stayed up the whole night researching the weretiger and Inumaki files for anything regarding a clanswoman with Yu's description. However, he found nothing which confused him. It was like she just appeared out of thin air, as if Yu never existed beforehand. Man was ready to burn those papers for the headache it was giving him.

Now he has to deal with a very unhappy Megumi.

Megumi put his hands into a dog sign and summoned his divine dogs. Both dogs growled at Satoru before launching themselves to attack. Hands grabbed both dogs on their scruff, effectively stopping them mid-air. The hands which belonged to the woman of the hour, Fushiguro Yu.

Yu was wearing her signature apron and face mask covering her mouth. She gave a deadpanned gaze at both Satoru and Megumi. The blonde raised her right eyebrow at the situation.


"What's going on?"

Megumi froze seeing his guardian behind him and basically caught him red handed using his technique to attack someone. Yu gave a sigh before putting both shikigami down. She patted Megumi's head signaling him to call off the divine dogs. Megumi called them off and went behind Yu's legs. Embarrassed.

Yu then gazed at Satoru with arms crossed wanting him to explain himself.

The white haired teen scratched the back of his head awkwardly. He was pretty sure that Yu doesn't remember him let alone what's going on. Satoru cleared his throat, "I'm guessing you're his guardian."

Yu nodded her head in confirmation, "Well there's a lot to talk about with first starting that Megumi here is currently up for sale."

Yu's eyes widened at the revelation.

"His dad sold him to the Zenin family."


Yu filled two tea cups and had a slice of strawberry shortcake on the side for Satoru. The blond sat down in front of the male as the said male was eyeing the cake with stars on his eyes.

Yu gave him a blank stare...

Megumi was in his room with his shikigami giving both teens the privacy they needed.

Yu rolled her eyes and tapped her fingers on the table catching the attention of Satoru. The male smirked for a bit.

"I believe you are aware of Megumi's dad." Satoru said, taking a bite of the cake. Yu nodded her head bringing out a letter from her pocket. She tossed the letter to Satoru. The said man raised an eyebrow and opened the letter, seeing a bank statement made under Yu's name.

"So you were aware of the deal then?"

Yu shook her head signifying a no.

The female tapped her fingers on the table again before throwing another letter but it was handwritten. Satoru read the content. He scoffed, "So he sent you the money but never specified where he got it. All he said was to take care of him."

Yu sighed.

"How come you never questioned it?"

Yu grabbed her phone out and typed to show Satoru her response, "Back then I wasn't in the position to question it. Megumi was just left with me and I couldn't reach him. One day this statement came in but I couldn't track it back."

"Oh I see." Satoru said.

Yu shrugged her shoulders.

"How did you meet him anyway?"

"I was grocery shopping when I met him. He gave me Megumi and said he'll be back later at night for him :|"



Yu was browsing the ramen aisle at the grocery store. So far, nothing interested her save for a few packets she already had at home. Yu scoffed, giving up on her search and decided to go home.

The platinum blonde turned around to leave but instead was met face to face with chubby cheeks of a blue eyed baby. Yu blinked owlishly at the baby and tilted her head to the side. The baby gave her a blank stare as well.

The man holding the baby also gave her the same stare as the baby.

Yu took a few steps back to look at the buffed man. Yu was basically looking at a pair of copy and paste.

"It's been a while, brat. Nice to see you have it all figured out."

Yu could only stare at him in familiarity.

"A favor for a favor. Here."

The man gave the baby to Yu who flinched at first and kept the baby far away from her. She was about to signal the man until she noticed he was gone. Yu was in shock and looked all around her to see the whereabouts of the man.

Yu then noticed a paper attached to the baby on his back. The blonde fixed the baby's position on her arms and then took the paper.

"This is Megumi, he just turned one years old. His mom died and I can't take care of him. Work calls and I can't take him with me. Watch him for me. I'll be back at night.
P.S.S Spend some time with your nephew moron

Yu was dumbfounded at the revelation.

"Since when did I have a nephew?!"
Yu broke out into a sprint. She immediately went outside the store hoping to see the father but nothing. She was met with a full parking lot but no sign of the odd man that gave his child to him. Yu felt sweat drop around her forehead, not believing that this scene was just happening to her. Eventually she saw another piece of paper on the ground for her. The female picked it up.
"Nice try stupid. I'm already gone P
She felt like burning him alive.
Sator sweatdropped at the sheer stupidity. He knew Fushiguro Toji was something else but this...this was in a different level.
Yu got up and went towards the kitchen. A few minutes later a scrumptious aroma wafted around the apartment making Satoru's stomach growl. Yu heard it making the man blush in embarrassment. Yu rolled her eyes before pointing at Satoru, then the food she made, and a plate nearby. The white haired man hummed before replying,

"You're inviting me to stay for dinner?"
Yu nodded.
Satoru smiled.
he blonde continued to bring food over to the table. Ramen bowl, smoked sausages that were oddly shaped into octopus, fried rice, and pork cutlets. Woah.

then left for a minute before returning back with a Megumi on her shoulder. The boy had crossed arms with a blank stare on his face when he saw Sator still existing.
Yu sat him down before serving both of their foods.
The female gave them both a closed eyed smile almost saying "Enjoy" with her expression. She left.
Both males broke out their chopsticks to eat, "Itadakimasu!"
As both were enjoying their food, Sator decided to grab another sausage but saw another pair of chopsticks blacking him. The paintbrush met the gaze of the urchin. Megumi narrowed his eyes and stole the sausage.
Satoru was a bit gobsmacked but decided to "brush it off". (Insert Cyno emoji:gets smacked)
He went for another but the same chopsticks stopped him. Alright the kid had a vendetta with him now. Satoru outmaneuvered the rival chopstick to get his sausage but a shadow grabbed it instead. The very same sausage
was now in Megumis mouth...


Satoru's glasses cracked...
Yu returned back to the dining table after cleaning the kitchen to meet an odd sight. The blonde deadpanned wanting to leave already...
Both males that were supposed to be eating were now on the floor fighting each other. Sator pulling Megumis hair with one hand and the other pinching the boy's cheek. Megumi pulling Satoru's hair while scratching the taller male's face. It was like watching two cats fight each other...
The two males kept fighting each other..
Yu's eyebrow twitched as she felt her vein throb. She smacked both of em on the head.
The three sat together on the dining table eating their meal peacefully save for the two males with a steaming bump bruise on their heads.

Megumi and Satoru glared at each other.

MY BABYSITTER'S- //JUJUTSU KAISEN// GOJO SATORUWhere stories live. Discover now