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Fifteen years ago, an incident occurred around the Zenin compound. One would describe it as a terrorist attack or simply a nefarious plot created by a cursed user. The event in question shook the Zenin for a prominent amount of years. The event; The night of the beast.

Survivors of the incident could only describe it as a monster manifesting for the first time with carnage following their every whim. Dozens of members and sorcerers were massacred during that night with so little care. Multiple witnesses kept replaying one sentence, "A monster akin to a prowling tiger killed everyone". Without doubt...the infamous cursed user, Weretiger was born.

"So why is it that you are his kindred spirit?" Satoru questioned at the seething Yu.

Yu simply kept glaring at the male while letting out a deep growl. No words were uttered from her mouth but just snarls. Satoru scoffed at her reaction, "I never expected someone of your profile to take care of a kid. What's more crazy is you're an Inumaki not speaking."

Satoru walked closer to Yu but the female didn't move an inch, "What's even more crazy is that I can barely feel any cursed energy from you yet...why does it feel like your hiding it?"

The stare down between the two continued. Satoru kept his gaze with his six eyes on Yu and the female continued glaring him down. Satoru hummed for a bit, "Ne weretiger-chan, why don't you attack me like you did to those old geezers years ago?"

"Jujutsu sorcerer.." Yu uttered.

Satoru narrowed his eyes at Yu. He felt very ominous energy from the girl yet there be something holding it back. What was happening?

The male raised his hands up in defeat but still holding his infinity activated, "I'm only here to help that's all. That Fushiguro kid is gonna be sold real soon and I have a feeling you don't want that. Let's be civil, right~"

Soon, Yu smirked darkly, "Meet me at 8 at night"

The platinum blonde's head dropped down suddenly. Yu's head then rose up with a shake. The ominous feeling that Satoru had was gone as well. Yu blinked a few times before giving her famous blank stare at the Gojo teen. She tilted her head in confusion.

Satoru blinked a few times as well...


"Who's this?"

Yu then pointed at Satoru and tilted her head again, signaling on his identity. The walking menace raised an eyebrow at the situation. Wasn't the girl ready to kill him a few seconds ago? Why she acting like she's meeting him for the first time?

Yu's eyes then dazed. The guardian then started walking towards her apartment, ignoring the male in front of her completely. Satoru now had more questions than answers. He just met a notorious cursed user that gazed at him with utter hatred that he might as well have cut his own the same person is acting like she hasn't seen him at all.

"How peculiar.." Satoru smirked.

Yu entered her apartment. Her dazed expression vanished as soon as she felt a body suddenly cling to her. The guardian looked down to see the seven year old hugging her like his life depended on it.

"I'm sorry for talking to that white haired weirdo." Megumi mumbled. Yu blinked a few times before lifting her hand to ruffle Megumi's head. The blonde got out of Megumi's hold before crouching down to the said child. She caressed his cheek, comforting him. Yu then pinched his cheeks.

Megumi flinched and gazed at Yu but saw his guardian smiling at him. The felt a sense of relief flooding around his body. Yu then stood up.


MY BABYSITTER'S- //JUJUTSU KAISEN// GOJO SATORUWhere stories live. Discover now