Chapter VII

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Jakarrita walked trough the empty halls alone, admiring every artwork. Nonetheless, she still couldn't get that portrait of little C/N and the strange people behind them. It just She tried every possible way to find that portrait again, exploring the house and trying to locate where was the strange hallway where she saw the painting.

As she stopped and looked trough the window, she saw a black car pull up. C/N came out of it and they, like always, didn't look happy. Their suit messed and messy hair.

The girl didn't seem to notice that the sky was dark, and as she looked at the big clock in the middle of the hallway. Realizing she wasnt't supposed to roam through the empty halls at this hour, she swiftly retreated to her room, heart pounding with fear, hoping to remain unnoticed.

"Oh, C/N is definitely not going to be happy with this, oh im going to get it.. Why did I think it was a good ideea going out alone. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Jakarrita thought, as she was sprinting to her room.

As minutes felt like hours, with fear in her chest, Jakarrita arrived in front of her room. She wasted no time entering it.

With shaky hands, she fumbled to close the door behind her. Leaning against the wall, she took a moment to catch her breath, her chest heaving as she tried to calm the racing thoughts that had brought her here in such a hurry.


"Have a good night, ms/mx C/N." The driver explaimed cheerfully, waving.

"Good night to you too." You answered with a monotone accent.

As she driver left and went to park the car in the garage, you were left with your own thoughts. For the rest of the day, you were thinking about what happend earlier with U.N and what did you do wrong to be not told about the situation with Jakarrita.

Did they seriously think you are going to keep her? You even thought about killing her at one point. Touching the pistol in your pocket, feeling the raw metal on your hands.

You slowly got it out, and looked at it in the reflection in the moonlight, it was turly beautiful. You thought.

Maybe.. just maybe killing her wasn't so wrong.. maybe everyone will forget about her. She was a human after all. And in the human world there are millions even billions of them! You can easily pick one to replace her.

Just as you were thinking of a plan, a buzzing sound coming from your peft pocket made you jump. Taking out your phone, you saw an unread message from Austria.

Ah. The meeting.

You completely frogot about it and mentally facepalmed yourself. You opened your phone and read the message.


-Good evening C/N, I'm really sorry about the time im writing this to you, but Ive planned at what hour we will meet. It's going to be at 20:00 at the ******** restaurant on the address **********. Also, Germany wanted to also bring Italy and Switzerland, is that okay?

-Sound good to me. I'll meet you there. Thanks for the invitation.

Austria liked your message!
You ket a sigh out. You didn't realise how tired you actually are for these past days. Maybe you should not go to work next week.

Yeah, that sounds good.

You can call the U.N and tell him that you got sick, and then prepare mentally and physically for the meeting at the restaurant. A long period of time passed since someone invited you to a restaurant.


Jakarrita looked at the time on the clock. She didn't realise how late it actually was. Being so invested in those drawins made her lose tracks in her time and forget about everything.

As she was thinking about it, a sudden feeling tiredness washed all over her, making her almost pass out.

"Wow I must be really exhausted." Jakarrita said to herself. "I'll go sleep."

Going to the corner of the room, Jakarrita layed on her bed and closed her eyes, falling into a deep slumber.


Jakarrita found herself surrounded by a field full of blossoming flowers, red white blue you name it. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blossoms, and the distant laughter of children drew her attention. Peering through the sea of petals, she watched as a group of kids danced and played, their laughter harmonizing with the melody of nature.

The female felt as if the voice was calling her, so she went there. As she approached, captivated by their joyful melody, a profound realization dawned upon her. When she was near them, they didn't pay any attention to her, just continued to play around. As she opened her mouth to speak, the words she had tried to speak seemed to evaporate into thin air. She couldn't hear herself, no she couldnt feel the cibration of her voice travel trough her body. Panic washed over Jakarrita's face. She then reached out to grab a kid by the arm, but her arm went teough them, like a ghost.

Jakarrita fell down because of shock and her breath quickened. As she looked at one of the kids, she realised how similar they look to the child she saw in the painting several days ago. It was turly terrifying.

She looked at the other two children and found out they also look the same as in the painting.

Jakarrita recognized them, its (C/N) and their siblings. She felt a creeping sense of fear and unease. How could these kids from the painting be here, near her, playing? Her mind whirled with questions, doubts, and disbelief. She felt as if she had stumbled into a surreal, nightmarish scenario. The uncanny resemblance between the painting and the children she knew was unnerving, to say the least.

Fear gripped Jakarrita as she struggled to comprehend the impossible.

A few moments later, she heard a shout, it was distant, unclear. But as minutes passed by she could hear a lot more shouts and it looks like they were approaching.

Jakarrita knew she wasn't visible here, so she stayed put, but on the other hand, (C/N) and the others ran to see whats happening.



School is making me go insane and uptades are going to be a lot slower now.

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