Chapter One

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He went home and took a shower before changing into a black leather jacket and skinny jeans. He climbed into his car and drove to his favourite club, Dementia. The owner, Kate, was a good friend of Will's and one hell of a dominatrix. Will found her watching from a bar stool, drinking whiskey.
"I never took you for the strong stuff," Will said, standing behind her.
Kate jumped and turned around, giving him the perfect devil's smile, "I'm surprised you didn't know that. How long have you known me, William?" She replied in the southern accent that even after living here for years, never left her.
Will kissed her cheek, "True. I've seen you throw back with the guys. What's new?"
"Oh, come on, enough of the small talk. Tell me what you came here for, Kate responded.
"No, no, I'm really here to catch up, Kate," Will scolded as he stole one of her shots. "I'll go first, alright? You remember Andy Biersack?"
Kate smiled, "Singer of Black Veil Brides, really cute, you want him on his knees for you. What about him?"
Will laughed, "Yeah, that's him. I'm working on his album and I know agreed to do so if Andy submitted to me for as long as it takes to work on it."
"I thought you didn't like to mix friendships with pleasure," she asked, motioning to the bartender for more drinks.
Will licked his lips, "I don't," he admitted, "But Andy's different, Kate. I really want him."
Kate nodded, she knew Will well enough that if he wanted something he didn't let anything stand in his way. "What if he says no?"
Will smiled broadly, "He won't."
"Just be careful that you don't destroy this friendship, Will. I would hate to see you lose a friend like him."
Will nodded, throwing his shot back, this is why he came here. Kate has a fresh look on things and he trusted and valued her opinion.
Kate slid closer and put a hand on his thigh, "Play with me, Will." She whispered, "I don't want to be in control tonight."
"Gladly, darling," Will responded.

Andy took Juliet out to dinner to clear his mind off Will and his offer. They had a great time, going to a club after dinner and stumbling home like teenagers. That night, Andy was reminded of why he loved her and why he would do anything for her.
"Andy I love you so much," she whispered as she kissed his chest, "Forever and always, my white rabbit."
"I love you too, my dragonfly," he responded, "For as long as I live."
They fell back into a world of passion, but this time, the only thing on Andy's mind was Will. As much as he tries not to think about it, Will popped up in his mind and he knew that if he wanted to keep Will off his mind, Andy would have to give Will the answer he wanted to hear. Andy only hoped it would be the right choice. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt Juliet in any way.

The next morning, Andy called Will to meet him for coffee and they could talk about Will's offer. Will agreed and Andy got ready, he was excited, but he didn't really know why. As he climbed into his car, he got a phone call from the jewellery company Never Take It Off.
"Hello, Mr. Biersack, I'm Cindy from Never Take It Off and I was wondering if you would like to design a bracelet for us?" The woman asked.
"Yeah, sure, but I'm in the car right now," Andy said. "So, if I could call you back, that would be great."
"Yeah, of course." She replied, "Get back to us when you can. Thank you and goodbye."
Andy hung up and started off for the cafe. When he got there, Will was already sitting in a back table looking haggard. He rubbed his eyes and glanced up as Andy walked over.
"Morning," Andy said cheerfully, knowing how much Will hated mornings.
He groaned slightly, "Shut up until I'm finished with my coffee." He pushed another cup across the table to Andy.
"Thank you," Andy replied. "So, busy night?"
"You could say that." Will drained his cup, "Alright, talk."
"So, I am going to take you up on your offer," Andy replied, "But, I don't want to be rushed into anything, Will."
"I wouldn't dream of rushing you into anything. I have some papers that I want you to look over and read through, okay? I'm going to take things slow and it's going to be done properly," Will said solemnly.
Andy nodded as Will gave him the papers, "Will this also explain when you want to meet me and stuff?"
Will shook his head, "No, I want to talk that over in person. We better get going before your band members decide to entertain themselves.
Andy chuckled, Will had a point.

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