Part 1

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It was my first time in college as a gay guy and I was hoping that I would finally get a boyfriend.

I applied to an only boys school so I could easily find someone to love there.

I walked in the school that day, just as I entered in school I met a pretty tall guy looking older then my age on the hallway but that didn't matter what mattered mostly was how cute and charming he was, just looking at his blue eyes made me blush and already making me think about him. I got that much lost in his eyes that I didn't even heard the bell ring so I had to run to class and not get late for my first day.

When I walked in the class I met the same guy in the hallway, soon realized he was my going to be my chemistry teacher and there was no way he was going to even notice me so I just sat down and sighed. Moment after I got lost staring at him. I watched his body and the shirt that was attached into his body looked pretty hot that I started to imagine him with me. He introduced himself as Mr. Williams but after catching me staring at him, I got a detention and had to stay after class with him for another hour but I couldn't care less.

Made love to my teachers Where stories live. Discover now