On your hands

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Iots, heavy topics, dont read if you arent in the right mindset, cruddy spelling and grammar

Noah was running, running as fast as his scrawny legs could take him. He couldn't leave Cody he promised they would stay together that they would escape together.

But how can he keep that promise when the killer is right behind him, how can he keep that promise when the rope has wrapped itself around his throat cutting off his air, when the knife is shoved into his shoulder right between the bones rendering him unable to move his right arm.

He felt the twigs slice at his legs as the killer dragged him across the muddy forest unsure of where he was taking him, Noah prides himself in his ability to control his emotions but for the first time in his life he, Noah Sterecra was scared.. no terrified.

Surely you cant blame him? He saw what had happened to the others,Justin's face messily peeled off revealing the bloody flesh and veins, Tyler being stretched beyond the human body's limit his skin pulling against itself until it ripped he can only imagine the fear and pain they felt and soon he will feel it

The rope around Noahs throat came undone right as the dots of black began to cover his vision, this was his chance he knew it was he had to escape but he couldn't. He couldn't breath his arm was locked in place by one of Duncans damn knives.

The killer grabbed him by the hair pulling a weak grunt from Noah at the pain, upon realizing Noah was still alive the killer chose to end things easily and cleanly he had too much blood covering his clothing from the last few victims.

As his head was shoved under the water Noah finally let tears leave his eyes knowing nobody would be able to differentiate them from the water filling his lungs a burning in his chest slowly spreading to the rest of his body as his lungs filled with the muddy liquid, as he quickly lost consciousness his final thought consisted fully of Cody's adorable smile every time he was given candy and the way he tried to stay optimistic despite knowing they were all doomed.

Dear Cody... oh he hopes he isnt the poor camper to find his soulless body.

Cody couldn't breath he couldn't hear he couldn't see Duncan had left Noah alone in the middle of the woods with a murderer on the loose, part of his heart cracked falling to the ground

Cody didnt think he just ran straight towards Duncan shoving the delinquent to the ground before beginning to punch him. He didnt stop not after he felt the crunch of his nose breaking not after feeling the blood gushing out of said nose not after feeling part of a tooth chip off cutting his hand in the process not until he realized that Noah is still out there and he needs his help.

He stood up just as quickly as he fell grabbing a flashlight out of Gwens hands and running the direction they had come from. Noah needed his help and when they got back they would attack Duncan together doing more damage than Cody already did

He was running, running as fast as he could he needed to find him he needed to save him, he barely registered the others yelling his name as they followed him through the forest

He didnt stop moving until he made it to the lake he stared in horror when he saw Noahs body, blood turning the water a disgusting shade of maroon

He screamed.. its all he could do as he stared at Noahs body, tears quickly fell from his eyes a waterfall of heartbreak and broken promises he pulled Noahs body from the water feeling for a pulse for the rise and fall of his chest but he found none.

The others soon arrived as another part of his heart fell to the ground shattering gasps ringing through the silent night

Cody turned around covered in the blood of his one true love and stared into the eyes of Duncan the blood still flowing violently from his nose "you monster.. it should have been you" everyones eyes widened at the boys words "Cody i- i didnt know this would happen" the punks words only made the poor boy sob harder "IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN..me"

Nobody could speak they all stared at Cody as he turned back to his lovers body he fell to his knees and grabbed the knife lodged in his shoulder struggling to pull it from the confined space

Everyone watched as the boy struggled, confused as to what he was planning Courtney slighter blocking Duncan in fear of him attempting to attack the green haired boy.

Finally dislodging the sharp object Cody stood up and turned to face the group once again "Duncan do you recognize this knife? I'm sure you do seeing as you were the one who brought it" Courtney turned to look at her boyfriend shocked that he hid such a thing from her in a situation like this

"Im not going to kill you Duncan so Courtney you can move your arm and stop protecting your failure" Courtney slowly lowered her arm as the groups confusion grew along with Cody's smile

"Our blood is on your hands Duncan Tarun" he rose the knife to his neck and in a slow painful process slit his throat wanting to make it as painful to watch as he could

They watched in horror as blood spewed out of his neck his body falling to the ground they could tell the boy was still alive but barely as he quickly went limp the final piece of his heart falling and shattering the blood still flowing out of his neck creating a puddle on the ground.

Nobody could speak all of them crying after what they had just witnessed, Duncan could do nothing but stare at the wound knowing he could have stopped it if he just let his ego down for once in his life.
Noah had seen it all, he watched the love of his life scream at the sight of his body, he watched the boy desperately pull his corpse to himself hugging the corpse as tight as he could, he couldn't help but smile at the way Duncan looked the blood flowing down his face glad he was in pain knowing his soulmate had done that for him

His joy and pride turned to horror as he watched the final scenes unfold. His boyfriend, his soulmate had killed himself with the very same knife that lead to Noahs death

He noticed the knife fade from his form as it left his mortal body leaving a nasty hole in its place if he weren't already dead he would worry about infection but now all he could think about was Codys body waiting for his soul to leave it just as his did

It took an hour for the translucent form to arrive on the beach and only 10 more minutes for the now dead boy to open his eyes in confusion did he not die? But as he looked to his left and saw the love of his life he softened the confusion turning to joy the anger turning to tears

The boys were reunited and will be together forever and nobody could ever change that.

I literally googled what bloody water looks like and what happens when you drown and slit your throat it was hard to get the info cus it just gave me suicide hotlines but i manages to find a bit so i could make this as realistic as possible!!

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