The Camping Episode

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Sector Seven Base - Mount Eddy

"Labor day weekend's comin up," Kaede says, bounding up to Optimus. He looks down towards them, being in his root mode.

"Hm? What about it?" Optimus asks.

"It's a four day weekend meaning... we can have our little camping trip I mentioned back in May," Kaede says with a grin. Optimus doesn't reply for a moment.

"...I'll mention it during my next meeting with the senior agents," Optimus says. Kaede gives a fond pat on Optimus' tire before heading off back to the medbay.

McBride Springs Campground

Kaede sits in the passenger's seat of Optimus' semi truck, giddy as they go down the mountain road towards the campground. It was super close to base but still a good change of scenery. Lennox had gone off to go camping with his family instead at another campsite.

"Been looking forward to this for the past few weeks," Kaede breathes. "You have no idea how much I hated living in those concrete walls."

"I thought you liked it?" Optimus asks.

"There's no windows, I need my sunlight," Kaede replies. "I was ok for a month but living in a room and apartment with no windows was driving me crazy."

"Is that why you've been going out so much lately after your shift is over?"

"Yes, exactly. We live in a mountain town! It's perfect to get fresh air and cool off," Kaede replies. They pull to a stop at their campspot, the Autobots camping beside him. Wendy exits out of Mirage, Chrys out of Jazz. Epps gets out of Ironhide. Bumblebee parks last, Charlie getting out. Everyone unpacks and brings the stuff to the spot, Arcee opting to carry the very heavy food cooler all by herself, Wendy with the sleeping bags. Chrys carries the tents as Jazz carries the drink cooler. Charlie carries her own tent, the one she and Kaede used to use when they went out on their holiday camping trips.

"How's this gonna work, we got 2 four person tents and 9 people," Epps says.

"Oh, I'm gonna be sleeping in Optimus," Kaede says as he hops out. "More comfy," he grins.

"Cheater," Chrys glares. Kaede shrugs.

"No, no, this is better for us," Epps says. "No offence but I don't wanna be stuck in a room, closet and especially tent, with you two."

"We're not that bad!" Kaede argues.

"YES, you are," Ratchet butts in, slamming the ambulance door shut with his holoform. "I had to implement that stupid visiting hours rule because a certain couple cannot keep their servos off each other!" he says in exasperation. Optimus can't help but laugh as he hops out, in his holoform already.

"Sorry, old friend," Optimus says, kissing the top of Kaede's head. Everyone rolls their eyes and goes back to unpacking. Kaede goes off to help set up the tents, canopies and chairs around the firepit. Epps takes a seat, cracking open some beers already. Noah and Mirage had already gone off to go on a hike.

"We gotta go get some firewood," Ironhide says, patting Optimus's shoulder. He goes off with him, the two disappearing into the forest.

As it neared around lunchtime, Charlie, Kaede and Wendy were busy cooking, the three having agreed on making sandwiches for everyone and then Japanese curry for dinner. Chrys went off with the science division to go searching for birds and other wildlife for the time being.

"You guys want some help?" Jazz offers.

"Oh, yeah sure, the more the merrier," Charlie grins. She passes him a ciabatta roll to cut in half. The four work together, slathering tapenade onto the bread before setting some salami and prosciutto down, some tomatoes and then lettuce drizzled in olive oil and vinegar and finally some provolone and pepperoncini slices before spreading a basil nut-free pesto on the top part of the ciabatta bun before wrapping it and cutting it in half.

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