2010 - Prologue

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Soundwave walks down the halls of the Nemesis, Ravage walking beside them. It's the same route they always go on as they make their rounds. One of the doors stands open, Starscream sitting in there with his trine, Thundercracker and Skywarp

"I'm tired of sitting around," Skywarp groans out loud, flicking an empty cube of energon onto the floor. "When are we gonna get deployed?" they grumble.

"Whenever Megatron gives the order, dumbaft," Starscream replies bitterly.

"Wonder where we'll be flying this time," Thundercracker hums, looking over to the window, the Earth down below.

"You can't possibly be fond of that dirtball," Starscream says. "I think I still have sand in my joints from that battle in... what is that human place called?"

"Egypt," Thundercracker answers.

"Ugh, you're even memorising the locations there," Starscream says, rolling his optics.

"Anywhere but there," Skywarp sighs, slumping onto the table. She lifts her helm to see Soundwave at the door. "At least they won't send us to the moon again, wasn't fun getting moon dust in my vents while collecting those stupid space bridge pillars."

"Not so fun doing grunt work, is it," Starscream smirks, a smug look on his face. Skywarp sticks her tongue out towards Starscream before looking over towards the door as she sees movement.

"Oh, hey, Soundwave." Starscream bristles and snaps his helm over to see the red visor of Soundwave staring at him. "Lurking about again?" she calls out. Soundwave doesn't answer and Starscream stands up, shutting the door on them before turning around and sighing.

"How long were they listening?" Starscream asks.

"Dunno," Thundercracker shrugs. "Wasn't like you were planning another assassination," he says, leaning back in his chair.

Soundwave continues their trek down the Nemesis, reaching a locked door. They key in and open the door to Shockwave's lab, Shockwave's arm transformed into a tool as they work on a new weapon prototype. A faded Autobot insignia is on the forearm of their working servo. They look up, acknowledging the communications officer.

"Shockwave: Status report," Soundwave says.

"Megatron's upgrades to his fusion cannon have been implemented," Shockwave replies. "I've started the next weapons schematic, it's a prototype to a new gun that utilises physical cartridges rather than using energon."

"And the progress in creating synthetic energon?"

"I've unfortunately hit a roadblock. The energon is unstable and has resulted in rather disastrous side effects. Either burning through it too quickly or prolonged aggressive periods and lower processing power. The engines would implode before we reach Cybertron, leaving us stranded," Shockwave replies, pulling up a screen with data and equations on it. "We're going to have to start using energy sources on the planet's surface if we want any chance of returning home in time with the Allspark."

"Our current mission is to take over Earth," Soundwave replies. Shockwave stares at them, silent for a moment.

"Yes, of course," they say, going back to their work, looking down. "I'll update you when I've managed to find a stable mixture for the synthetic energon," they mutter. Soundwave leaves, making their way to the bridge. They enter, Megatron sitting at the captain's chair. Placing a servo on the edge of the chair, Megatron looks up with a bored look on his face.

"Our Decepticons are getting wary, Lord Megatron," Soundwave announces.

"Patience, my dear Soundwave," Megatron says. "Have you located the Priam's energy module," he hums.


"Good, then prepare Shockwave to descend down to the surface and do some fieldwork," Megatron orders. "Send Ravage and Laserbeak down for reconnaissance and support," he adds, Laserbeak flying in from the hangars above and landing on his shoulder.

"The humans will be aware of our presence," Soundwave warns.

"Precisely," Megatron says. "The Autobots currently possess the Matrix and the Allspark and will be able to revive Alpha Trion. Once Alpha Trion is online again, he'll provide the codes to activate the space bridge."

"And we can return to Cybertron," Soundwave confirms.

"Or... Cybertron can come to us," Megatron hums. "And then we can have two planets to conquer." He gives an evil laugh, standing up. "A planet full of energon and all the resources to bring Cybertron back to life." He walks out with Soundwave beside him. "Prepare Shockwave for their departure." Soundwave nods before departing, heading off towards Shockwave's lab once again. 

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