Chapter - 5

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" So we are ready to go right? " Soobin asked as taehyun showed him a thumbs up

"Fine then sit in the car taehyun you'll drive." Soobin said making taehyun just nod.

They were ready to go for their trip. First they will go to pick Beomgyu up from the university and then drive to the airport and will have lunch there only.

The car started as soon as yeonjun came and sat at the back seat with soobin.

The passenger seat was reserved for beomgyu as taehyun started the car.

"Fine let's go" Taehyun said as he drove off the car.


"I think the departure just happened" Yeonjun said as he looked at the students coming out of the university.

"God no why 2 week holiday? " They hears two girls chatting

"I know right it's a pity that we won't be able to see beomgyu for like 2 whole weeks " The other girl replied

"Huh why are they talking about beomgyu" Taehyun frowned and asked

"Well because my handsome cutie brother is so famous " Yeonjun proudly said

"Uh yeah sure" Taehyun mumbled

"Look there beomgyu is" Soobin pointed out making taehyun and yeonjun towards the direction he was indicating too

Taehyun turned and saw beomgyu coming  down from the stairs as cold breeze hit his face making his hair ruffle a bit.

"Oh fuck look how hot gyu looks" Taehyun immediately glared at the boy who talked about beomgyu

But beomgyu indeed looked so good and this time taehyun couldn't disagree to it.

His heart fluttered a bit as his husband smiled a bit to the teacher and bid him goodbye

But his sweet time immediately transformed into jealousy as he saw some boys proposing his husband.

But his husband politely rejected them and made his way to the university's gate

"Who is that boy" Taehyun asked yeonjun while raising his eyebrows as he saw a boy coming to beomgyu and hugging him.

Yeonjun chuckled and replied " Oh that he is heesung gyu's childhood best friend "

"Ohhh" Taehyun said and glared at the boy  who made beomgyu smile so brightly.

Finally beomgyu reached the exit and spotted his hyungs and husband waiting for him.

He immediately rushed towards them and asked " I'm sorry did you wait for too long "

Before yeonjun could reply taehyun interrupted him " Nope now come on take a seat" Taehyun said as he opened the car door for the younger to step in.

Beomgyu nodded with a bit of pink cheeks and sat at his place.


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