Chapter 3: Till i see you again

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As I collapsed on to my couch Nutella by my side, I open my phone in horror to see a message from mum, it was about Adriana. I need to get home now! I scrambled around my apartment trying to find my laptop to book the next flight to Sydney, my hand shaking as I try to type, my eyes burning as they fill up with swimming pools. I call my mum crying, this can't be true, it can't, not her, why now? I don't want to lose another person in my life that I love significantly, it was my fault, it's all my fault. I never should have left Sydney I should've stayed to look after everyone, why did I follow my dumb dreams? I couldn't sleep that night so many things were running through mind, like a running race.

I cried myself to sleep that night.

It's the morning, it's a fresh start I have to pack today so I can fly out by tomorrow. I raced around the apartment trying to find all my clothes whilst trying to pull my shit together. I sit down on my living chair as I just need a moment for myself to mentally catch up, until my phone buzzes I spring up and race to it to see if it was mum. I look down at my phone to see it was Flynn, I was relieved. I sat back down on my chair to read his message,

'How's everything going love?'

Why is he such a gentleman? I see why he had a lot of fan girls now. I ponder for a moment thinking of a response, I could say that I'm fine but that's too boring, I could also say that I'm not okay and dealing with a mental crisis.

'Yeah, I'm fine.'

I stare intensely at my phone wait for him to respond, why do I care so much if he texts me back? I don't want to say this. But I think I like him. Not just like but I think him as a good friend a girl will be very lucky to have him. It's too early to catch feelings though I don't wanna be like April head over heels for any guys that comes in a 20-meter radius.

'You sure? I heard when a girl says that they're lying.'

Fuck, I really thought that I could avoid talking about my personal problems. I don't like to talk about personal stuff I guess it's just a sensitive topic, and it feel like I'm ranting on and on about it and no one's listening. I pick at my nail contemplating is I should respond back to the message, BuzZ

'Hospital lady?'

Now I have to respond.

'Lynsey by the way, and yeah, it's just personal stuff.'

I look at the clock counting the seconds that go tick... waiting for him to respond, BuzZ

'Okay Lynsey, well I am here if you need to talk.'

My heart feels like its jumping out of my throat I can't push it down. This might be one of the sweetest things that anyone has ever done for me. Then the most heart dropping thing happened, buzzzzzz.

He's FaceTiming me. Shit.

I still have tears streaming down my face I can't answer the face time like this! I pull my sheet up of my feet and quickly start wiping away the salty tears off my face, they weren't fully gone but it wasn't as noticeable. I take a deep breath before answering the call. I finally accept the call and I can see his brown fluffy hair and his stitched up cut on his shoulder.

'Hey love, so tell me what's wrong,'

His voice is soothing and comforting in an unusual way.

'It's nothing, really," I responded knowing that I am lying to his face.

'Come on don't do that,' his voice shifted into a deep undertone.

My face becomes hot and sweaty and before I know it, I start crying again, to the point where I am trying to speak, my words sound muffled.

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