Introducing someone

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I'm gonna introduce you to an character that you'll see often in my Au 'The Foolish Chaos', a specia little girl who has went through a lot only to get a better and yet chaotic dangerous life thanks to someone who saves her life and changes it (she doesn't look like that at the moment that's her when she was much younger still and wasn't adopted again yet)

Her name is Susie. a Foster daughter of someone

Her name was at first Liz but she never wanted to keep the name due to the fact that it just reminds her of the past and all and all she wants is to forget about her abusive past. Also cause she doesn't feel comfortable with that name, she feels like that its just, not her. she especially doesn't wanna keep it since her last foster parents gave her that name, So she asks her foster father if she could also change her name and he with no hesitation and understood her. Said yes

Her Foster Father who I'll reveal later actually was the one that named her Susie- or at least suggested it to her then She liked it and said yes

So she now goes as Susie

She is the crew's niece's (uh Duh) but one of term (I'd say three if em) are mostly like a brother(s) to her. she founds some of then as her older brothers. While the rest is like her uncle. (Sadly no aunt Ally cuz I don't feel comfortable with her being in this specific Au)

everyone in the crew Loves her a lot and adores her

and no Susie isn't an replacement for Ally, Ally *was* gonna be in this Au but then I decided to rather not have her in this Au, (and have her on the other even if she won't show a lot)

Susie has been in this Au for like probably 1 year now. Probably 2 and a half years.

but yeah, Susie is the daughter of one of the Crew- Them being...

Daniel Alejandro Scarrow



(Don't ask me on why I gave him an Italian/Spanish name just stfu it just fits him In MY Opinion- it even fits him since in my Au he looks kinda Spanish)
Laff is the one that adopts her, the story between them will soon be told of how Laff adopted her or what happened before he adopted her. (Yeah ik- y'all are gonna be sad cuz it isn't Nadwe or Muffin being his kid ik. Just don't hate on Susie becuz of that plz)

As Scary as Laff can be he is also a sweet person who has experiences with kids before. even if he was never married and had kids or had never had kids of his own, he has some good experiences with them. which makes sense how he'd be a good Father

Anyways that's all about Susie for now!! can't wait to share more about her :) I hope y'all will like her or learn to like her. Like I said she isn't a replacement of anyone!! Not even Ally, or even being an replacement of being someone's child,

bye bye!! Have a nice day or evening! :)


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