it's called radioactive

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Walking through substances
Looking if it glows
Electroscope that measures weak intensities
Everything here looks like it has no more
Hunting substances that do more
And the result is

It's called radioactive
It's not uranium-exclusive
It's called radioactive
It's called radioactive

It's called radioactive
It's not uranium-exclusive
It's called radioactive
It's called radioactive

It's a new research
I can study it day after day
The lights are so faint but the kinda blind me

It's called radioactive
It's not uranium-exclusive
It's called radioactive
It's called radioactive

When you dropped your research
For mine
Took our curious hearts, put them in an ore
Everybody here thought something else before
And you can have an atomic property
Amount of atoms determine the activity

It's called radioactive
It's not uranium-exclusive
It's called radioactive
It's called radioactive

It's called radioactive
It's not uranium-exclusive
It's called radioactive
It's called radioactive

It's a new research
I can study it day after day
The lights are so faint but the kinda blind me

It's called radioactive(radioactive!)
It's not uranium-exclusive
It's called radioactive
It's called radioactive

Like any great scientist, i keep guessing
Like any real physics, it's always changing
Like any new field, it drives you crazy
And you know you will change anything, anything, anything

It's called radioactive
It's not uranium-exclusive
It's called radioactive
It's called radioactive

It's called radioactive
It's not uranium-exclusive
It's called radioactive
It's called radioactive

It's a new research, i can study it all day
The lights are so faint but the kinda blind me
It's called radioactive(pioneering)
It's not uranium-exclusive
It's called radioactive
The lights are so faint but the kinda blind me
It's called radioactive
So faint, but still can blind me
It's called radioactive
It's called radioactive

טריוויה: ובכן... זה לא ממש עובד טוב בסדר. אבל תתמודדו.
אז לפני שרדיואקטיביות קיבל את שמו היה לו את השם קרני אורניום וקרני בקרל, אבל אחר כך השמות האלה 'דעכו'.
מארי עשתה את הכלי הראשון למדידת רדיואקטיביות. היא גילתה שתוריום גם פולט את הקרינה, אחר כך גילתה שמישהו גילה לפניה, ומדדה בדיוק כמה קרינה תוריום פולט וכך היא קיבלה את הקרדיט.
ובגלל שלא רק אורניום פולט קרינה כזאת אי אפשר לקרוא לו קרני אורניום
ועל הדרך היא גם גילתה שכמות הקרינה רק תלויה בכמות החומר ולא שום דבר אחר, ומכך הסיקה שרדיואקטיביות היא תופעה אטומית ולא כימית.
מארי היא ללא ספק הפיזיקאית, אם לא מדענית של שנת 1898.(יש מצב שוויליאם רמזי הוא הכימאי של השנה)

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