smooth moon

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The theory wasn't the very worst
When we didn't thought they were together, at first
It was months and months of looking at the moon
The moon is still next to earth
Like a wine stained dress that's locked.
Hung up there as it collided
And locked on the orbit in a perfect position
Making waves back and forth
When it made me drowning, that's when i thought about you
Multiple times in a day
On the sand is the trace of you, you must used to be a part of earth

There was nothing left to think
When small rocks and dust turned to a moon
Earth got punched by something
Let gravity and physics carry pieces in a swing
Seems like water on your seas
But when you scream so loud
No one heard a thing
Making waves back and forth
When it made me drowning, that's when i thought about you
Multiple times in a day
On the sand is the trace of you, you must used to be a part of earth

You must used to be a part of earth
Said, you must be a part of earth
After the publish, i must admit
After you've published it don't mean you're not responsible
Many years later, maybe you'll crash in
Now that you're there, perfect where is it
The theory wasn't the very worst
When we didn't thought they were together, at first
Making waves back and forth
When it made me drowning, that's when i thought about you
Multiple times in a day
On the sand is the trace of you, you must used to be a part of earth
Making waves back and forth
When it made me drowning, that's when i thought about you
Multiple times in a day
On the sand is the trace of you, you must used to be a part of earth
A part of earth
Used to be a part of earth
Used to be a part of earth

אז השיר מדבר על ג'ורג' דרווין(בן של צ'ארלס) והתיאוריה שלו שכדו"א והירח בעבר היו גוף אחד. וחלק מהשיר פשוט מתאר את הירח. ויש על הירח "ים" בשם 'ים השלווה' כי בעבר כשהסתכלו עליו חשבו שזה ים אמיתי כמו של כדו"א, כשבפועל אין שם שום מים. וכמובן שכמה שתצעקו על הירח אף 1 לא ישמע אתכם.
וגם אומרים שבעתיד הרחוק הירח יתרסק לתוך כדו"א.

נ. ב. השיר הזה ככ מעצבןןןןן תמיד אין לי כח אליו זה למה שלקח לי ככ הרבה זמן
ולמה רק לי הוא מזכיר לי פגיעה עצמית?

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