Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village

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Narrator:We join our two heroes Ash and Green as they lead their friends through a forest. Since neither of them have a compass, Ash is trying to rely on his instinct

Lexus:Are you sure you know where we're going, Ash?

Ash:Don't worry. I'm positive this way will take us back to the path.

Brock:Positive, huh? [Brock said with uncertainty]

[After walking through the forest, the group decide to rest on some rocks].

Ash:Time for a break.

Green:Good call, Ash.

Bulbasaur:Saur [said his Bulbasaur].

[As they sat, Ash notices something near him. It was a Pokémon with some grass on it's head].

Ash:Hey, Green. Look at that.

[Green turn to look at the Pokémon].

Green:It's an Oddish.

[Ash took out his Pokédex and scans it].

Ash's Pokédex: Oddish. This Pokémon is typically found roaming the forest, scattering pollen as it walks around.

Ash:I'll catch it! [Ash said as he takes out a Poké Ball. But before he can do so, Green got in front of him]

Green:Hold it dude!

Ash:What for?

Green:Because I'm gonna catch that Pokémon

Ash:Ah, no way, I saw it first.

Green:Too bad so sad I Recognized it first.

[They turn to see Oddish getting away].

Green:Go, Spearow! [He lets Spearow out of it's Poké Ball].

[Spearow then got in Oddish's way. Oddish attempts to get away, but Green calls out an attack].

Green:Spearow, Quick attack now!"

[Spearow flys fast quick attack at Oddish which sends it up in the air].

Green:Now that's the way Spearow keep it up!

[Spearow charges in again while spinning as it hits Oddish very hard, resulting in Oddish being knocked to the ground. Green then takes out an empty Poké Ball].

Green:That weakened it! Gotta catch it now! Poké Ball go! [he threw the Poké Ball at oddish].

[But before the Poké Ball can make contact with Oddish, something hit it, sending the Poké Ball away].

Green:Uh oh [Green replied as the Poké Ball hit the ground].

[The group turn to see a familiar Grass type Pokémon in front of Oddish]

AshWhoa! What's that?!

Green:It's a Bulbasaur. A wild one at that.

Bulbasaur:Saur!? [said his Bulbasaur in shock. It was very surprised to see a member of it's own kind out here]

[Ash was very excited to see a Bulbasaur]

Ash:Wow! I can't believe it! [he yelled as he takes out his Pokédex].

Ash's Pokédex: Bulbasaur. It bears the seed of a plant on its back from birth. The seed slowly develops. Researchers are unsure whether to classify Bulbasaur as a plant or animal. Bulbasaur are extremely tough and very difficult to capture in the wild.                                                                                     [It jumps in and tackled Spearow very hard knocking it back. Green runs over to it].

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