The beginning of his pain

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"You know that I'm doing that for your own good right ? Without me you would be lonely after all, you should thanks me for accepting to take care of suck a weakling like you." 

That's what the girl would often tell the young fairy king, to make him understand that he should be lucky that she was here for him where nobody was, that's how everything began and that's how that girl knew how much power she had on that small child.

"King Harlequin come here." The girl asked.  Some seconds later and the little boy was already there. He was shaking slightly.

"You called me Gerhearde..?" He asked. The girl nodded and continue to talk in a cold tone.

"You have training today with Dahlia so go. Now!" The little boy didn't wait to be told twice and directy did as he was told and went outside to join the current fairy king.

Some times later the girl decided then to went to see how the training was going.

"I feel bad for bubba..." A little girl said. She look at the older boy with green hair next to her and nodded.

"Me too, he's still a child, he should enjoy his life."

"I want to hug bubba now..." The little girl said with teary eyes.

"I know Elaine, I want to hug your brother too but I can't...Gerhearde barely let us approach him..." The boy answered. Elaine then hug him tightly and start to cry softly.

"That's not fair...! We treat him better then her !" She cried out, the boy hold her tightly in his arm and rub her back gently.

Meanwhile with Gerhearde, she was still watching the soon to be king training, she made sure that the training was hard and her excuse would be 'you never know when will you meet a powerful enemy'.

When she would see the curent fairy kong hold back she would tell him not to, that he needed to learn to not give up in front of people stronger then him.

In the end, the boy was badly injured and couldn't even stand anymore. Gerhearde glare at the scene in front of her.

"Gerhearde I think we should stop-"

"Continue. He's just being dramatic." She continue to glare at the little boy that was trying to catch his breath.

"You're cruel..." Dahlia whispered.

"It's for his own good." She said before leaving. Dahlia sigh and went toward the smaller boy. He looks at the injury he had and could tell it wasn't to take slightly at all.

"Hey hey, little guy, look at me, breath in!"
The current fairy king said a little panicking as the little boy had hard time breathing, he started to panick and called another fairy over to heal the poor little boy.

When he was finally healed, the fairy kong help the younger one breath normally again. It took him a while to breath normally but he was finally able to after some minutes of breathing softly and slowly.

The curent fairy king help the smaller one to get up and gave him a sad look. He knew it was only the beginning of his suffering and he knew he couldn't do much about it. Sure he was the fairy kong but Gerhearde was here before him.

The fairies would believe Gerhearde and not him. So he couldn't even try to speak. That girl was a great manipulator and could easily make herself pass for the victim without much effort needed.

That annoyed him, knowing that someone so young and with so much youth had to suffer just for someone selfish desire.

That pained him but again, he couldn't do anything about it. He looked at the fairy next to him, she was looking at the boy with the same sad look as him.

"Please look for him, I need to talk with...someone." He said before leaving the girl with the little boy alone. She approached him slowly not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

"Do you have any friends to play with little one ?" She asks, the little boy nodded and she smiled reassuringly at him. "Want me to bring you to them?" The boy nodded once again and the girl took his hand in hers before starring to fly and found his friend.

"Gerhearde you're going too far !" The current fairy king screamed at the girl.

"I'm doing this for his own good." She said with a cold tone.

"No you're not ! You don't even care about him !" He yelled back almost immediatly.

"I do care-" She couldn't finish that he cut her off.

"All you did was making him suffer !"

"I did not-"

"You burned his wings !"

"It was so humans wouldn't cut them for money !"

"Yet you don't care when other fairies bully him for 'not having wings' ! You never gived a damn about him you just enjoy the fact you have power on him !"

Gerhearde look at Dahlia with the same cold glare and emotionless eyes.

"It's for his own good." She then walked away not wanting this conversation to continue any further. He sigh in defeat.

He already knew it was pointless, so why did he kept trying ?

"Are you having fun ?" The girl ask the little boy.

"Yes yes !" He yelled out happily. That made the girl giggled.

"What's your name ?" She asked.

"I'm Harlequin !! You ??"

"I'm Villa. It's nice to meet you Harlequin." She said with a smile. "And those are ?"

"That's my best friend ! Helbram ! And that's my little sister ! Elaine !" He said with a grin on his face. She smiles sweetly at them but right before they could continue to have fun a cold voice could be hear.

"Harlequin, what do you think you're doing right now ?" They looked behind Villa to see that it was Gerhearde that was here. Harlequin gulped and start shaking a little.

"Having...having fun..?" He said, his voice not above a whisper.

"And do you think a future king have time to have 'fun' ?" She said harshly.

"No miss..." He answered looking at the ground.

"And what the hell are you wearing ? You're not a fucking kid grow the fuck up and wear something more mature. And" she added. "When someone talks to you, you look at them in the eyes." She said giving him a cold glare.

"Yes ma'am..." He said, looking at her eyes in fear, his voice was trembling and he hold himself as hard as he could not to cry.

"I want to see you at the sacred tree in five minutes. Understand ? You have your fairy kong job to do." The little boy nodded as the girl leaved. He couldn't help it anymore and broke down in tears.

When Villa saw that she couldn't believe it. Gerhearde was really like that ? What happened to the kind and sweet woman she once knew ?

She looks at the little boy seeing that both his friend and his little sister were hugging him like they won't see each other again. That broke her heart. Why did the world had to be this cruel and give him such an horrible fate ?

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