The War lasted more than anybody thought it would.
Many people had died from it but the king survived including his cousins but the significant part of all was how battered they were and how tired they were.
But all we're happy to return home to their families and their children, to return back to peace.
And most definitely to try to move on from years of war against the Rogues. It would be hard No Doubt but they're willing to try to find peace again.
Eros -
Laying in the bed just listening to the people that are around me, where I heard that the war was over.
A weight lifted off of me on fully understanding that the war was over but the worst part for me that I will never see again. I entered the war a few years ago to help my father and as a result one of the Rogues used their claws to blind me.
I was told from one of the doctors that inside of the claws was some type of poison I'm not quite sure. The only thing that I know for sure that I am blind I will never see again.
" Eros, we are going home," Atlas said to me. I could tell that my brother is on my left side of the bed.
I wasn't sure what to say to him, to anyone for that matter.
I have these feelings inside of me that I cannot describe offhand, but mainly I'm just extremely pissed and I don't want to speak and say the wrong thing.
I can smell the air change making me know that my father was coming. He came over and helped me up, he helped me stand up and we moved out of the area.
I could tell that we were placed in a vehicle and I knew that we were heading home. The next thought that came to my mind was what my mother would say to be.
I knew that she would want to stay by my side continuously and I didn't want that so I'm hoping that my father will know what to say to her so she doesn't hover over me.
Everyone returned home, all of the women in the pack waited for their family to return and who didn't return.
It was one hell of a sight to see the people that they love come home battered and bruised and broken.
They spent the rest of the day getting in tonight taking care of their loved ones and mourning the ones that they lost. The pack and everyone else took the time to heal and to move on.
This whole War took a lot out of everyone, but the major thing that was the point that it was done and peace can follow afterwards.
It will take time for everyone to find they're footing again but they will. It will just take time for them.