chapter 6

13 2 21

~with bunnix~

Chloe: thanks for coming, Luka, i really appreciate it!

Luka: yeah, no problem, anything for one of my closest friends!

chloe: yeah, i just feel terrible for who i was 4 years ago, i was ridiculous...

luka leans in closer to her, him way taller, of course >U0

Luka: were you...utterly ridi-

chloe put her hand in his face

chloe: Don't finish it pretty boy, if you wanna stay pretty.

Luka: ooo you think im pretty??

chloe: *blushes* NO! YOU'RE UGLY.

Luka: ouch, i was gunna give you a compliment too!

they laughed

a blue portal appeared and bunnix stepped out of it,

Luka: *sees bunnix* Bunnix? whats wrong? do LB and CN need help? what about this timeline LB and CN? 

chloe: you know who she is? *whispers*i didnt know that you met her, even as viperion...


chloe: ill tell you later, bunnix, whats wrong?

bunnix: weeelll.....i need you two to babysit a certain someone!

Luka: oo who? i love babysitting!!!

chloe: i've never babysat before...

Luka: i'll teach you.

bunnix: Calum! come on out!

a boy with light blue hair and blue eyes stepped out, he was wearing a kitty section shirt with some black cargo jeans and a zip-up hoodie with the outline of jagged stone on the back, he looked 15-16 years old

Chloe: huh, you kinda look like Luka-

Luka: hey! nice shirt!

calum: it is your band...and my mother is in it as well!

Luka: who?

chloe looked hurt, she liked luka, romantically, and now, she knows her and him aren't together in the future

Bunnix: heads up, at adriens house they got their kids too, they are all having a slumber party, you can crash it, i gotta go bring felix's kid to him...bye!

luka: bye bunnix!

chloe: yeah adios...

calum: chloe, don't feel sad, wanna know who my mom is?

chloe: sure, but not really...

Luka: chloe, you seem sad, whats wrong?

chloe: nothing! im ok!

calum: you.

chloe: huh? what do you mean?

calum: you, you are my mother, chloe bougeoius.

chloe: *Blushes* you- you can't joke like that calum!

Luka: i mean, chlo, look, he does have your amazing blue eyes...

calum: i AM Calum bougeoius - couffaine.

chloe: ok, ok, ok!! i believe you now! OK lets go to adrien's house now, you can see his kid.

calum: you mean, his....three kids?

chloe: Welp yeah i guess *laughs* what're their names?

calum: Hugo, Louis and Emma, emma is around my age.

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