Chapter 8

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[A.N. yes, that IS team rocket ❤. I DO NOT OWN ART ON TOP.]

Lynne POV

Calum: I love you.

i didn't even answer him....

3rd person POV

" i love you" Calum said, Lynne didn't answer, no...she kissed him. calum was happy, confused, scared but in love, while all lynne felt was love, and happiness.

calum POV:

Calum i broke the kiss, i had to breathe, BUT WOAH I DID NOT EXPECT THAT.

calum: is that an, 'i love you too'?

Lynne: with all my heart...

she looked at me with her amazing eyes, she was sitting, we both were, but i still tower over her, he he he he tall people rule...WAIT. THAT WAS MY FIRST KISS. not wasted tho-

Lynne POV:

he is so tall, i love him so much, i've held that is for.....8 years...yeah, and he loves me too!!! EEEEEE! i can't wait to tell emma and daphne! 

-----end of flash back-----

Lynne: Emma, do you have Daph's number?

emma: yeah, here, ____________

Lynne: thanks! oh, i already have it! ha ha

Calum: *sleepily* (yawn) good morning ly,-he gave her a behind hug- good morning Emma

emma was getting suspicious, he has only been calling her that since he had to go comfort her or whatever...what happened up there? did she confess?

Lynne: good morning Cal! -she hugged back-

Emma: ok, what's happening?

 Lynne: hmm? what do you mean?

Calum: yeah, huh?

Emma: you have nick-names now? c'mon what happened up there?

Calum glanced to Lynne with a 'should we tell her?' look and Lynne definitely nodded as a yes...

Lynne: *whispers* we kissed.

Emma: *whispers* OH MY GOSH im so happy! congratulations!!! 

Calum smiled-

emma: first one?

Calum: is it obvious?

Lynne: y...yeah... *giggles*

Alyn came down

Alyn: morning em, hi guys- WOAHH *whispers* did you two kiss or something? *normal* never mind, interrogations later... mom wanted to tell y'all that she's having one of her parties!

Emma: OOOOO YAY!!! 

Calum: ah, her famous, costume parties...


calum: like what?

Lynne: emma, you could be misty, alyn you could be brock, and calum and i can be TEAM ROCKET!!!!!

emma: I LOVE IT.

Alyn and calum: I LOVE POKEMON!!!

Lynne: tsk, who doesn't?

calum: i have a cat, i could ask aunt alix if she ca get it,

Lynne: cal, i don't think we NEED a Meowth...

Calum: yeah, ok. you're right


Emma Calum and Lynne: YES PERFECT!

keith: good morning (yawn) -he was still in his PJs-

Lynne: KEITH.

keith: *startled* WHAT???

Lynne: i love your Pjs-


emma: i know what you mean!

keith: yeah, who knew Pikachu was so comfy.

Alyn: no, for my mom's party, i'll be brock,

Emma: i'll be misty

 louis comes from the kitchen

louis: i heard the entire convo, im gunna be ash i guess...

Emma: and guess who we will be! -she points to herself and Calum-

keith: i have no clue. but im gunna be pikachu?

Calum: yes.

keith: WAIT -he said fully awake- YOU TWO WILL BE TEAM ROCKET!?!?

Lynne: YES!

keith: don't you need Meowth for that?

Calum: No.


idk when ill post the next chpter again, probably tomorrow...idk.

bye! luv u birdiezz!

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