Dreading Mondays....until Fridays

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Beep Beep Beep Beep
My alarm clock went off at 6:30 am
My school doesn't start till 8:00 am and I walk...sucks though sorta
Shawn lives on my street and he walks too so I see him it's sorta weird and awkward..
So I get out of bed and go to my closet and get my outfit that consist of:
A blue t-shirt that said No
In white letters
Blue jeans
White converse
And A purple jacket to hide my cuts
I went and got into the shower when I got out it was 6:50 am and I blowdried my hair 100% and put on my outfit and brushed my teeth and my hair I put on my daily makeup which was concealer for my bruises and some chapstick
I don't bother trying because everyday after school they beat me so it'll just get ruined anyways then I put on purfume and grab my bag and my phone and I check the time 7:20 it takes me 15 minutes to get to school so I just went downstairs to see my little sister Alli she's in 7th grade and my little brother Logan he's in 8th i'm not the oldest my older brother Carlos is in the military and we miss him alot...our dad left our mom when Carlos was only 4 years old she was pregnant with me at this time so Logan,Alli,and I never met our father and Carlos barely remembers him...so yeah
"Alli and Logan the bus is going to be here soon...!!! Hurry!!"
I just ate an orange quickly..I have an eating disorder because the boys call me
Fat And Fat Cow (see what i did i didn't use pig)
I head out the door at 7:30 and I see Shawn walking out his door
Man he looks so hot...I thought to myself
"What was that?" He asked me
Oh frick...didn't say it in my head oops
He did that cute thing he did with his eyebrows and i just kept on walking

°When I arrive at school°

sorry for my short and crappy chapters hopefully they will improve if they don't tell me so i will delete my book...so bye...

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