About Me

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Okay so...I've realized you guys...(unless you are like one of my internet friends or follow my social media)
Know what i look like....or anything about me so my photo is up derr (i know i know i'm ugly...shhh let's not talk about it)

And i'm gonna answer some questions

Full Name?

Mallorie Jaylene


Middle School

Internet Best friends?

Single or Taken?

Single but I have a crush on my friend Sage and he's a year older but he likes me back and yeah i like him alot but we go to different schools and he's moving and i'm really really really sad
But the point is...I'm single

Favorite Food?

Tacos and Pizza

Solcial Media?

Instagram: Rowlandswbu

Twitter: mallorie_cloud

Vine: foreal mallorie

(That self promo tho)

Favorite Subject?

Baaaannnnnddd or Lunch.

That's all if you have more questions fill free to ask :)

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