Chapter 1: They will explain everything

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3rd person

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3rd person

You ever feel like nothing
you do matters? You leave footprints on the beach and somehow they are gone. Like it's just today, over again. They say that your teen years are for making friends and having fun. Which made me feel even worse.

"Hey, Amy. It's Jake. I'm in your math class." Jake spoke to the girl while stacking adult diapers.

"Hey, don't forget your adult diapers." The girl said throwing them at the guy behind Jake.

"Yeah, right." He replied throwing them back knocking over the wall of diapers that Jake had just made before leaving.

A middle aged woman then walked out of an office and over to Jake who began picking up the packages of diapers.

"Jake. It's a phone for you." The woman sos handing Jake the phone.

But that day, everything changed.


"Thanks for the ride, Shelly." Jake told the woman as they were on the road in her car.

"So, how come you have to go deal
with your grandpa?" The woman questioned keeping her eyes on the road.

"My dad couldn't get out of work." Jake told the woman looking out of the passenger seat window.

"I didn't think he worked." She commented as Jake got his phone from his pocket .

"You know, I'm... I'm just gonna call grandpa." He told her dialling his grandfather's house phone.

"Hello, this is Abe." The grandfather replied after picking up.

"Hey, it's Jake." Jake told him about to speak before being interrupted by his grandpa.

"No, don't come here. Listen to me. It's not safe! Stay away." The grandpa warned as he walked around his home.

"Grandpa, did you take your pills today?" Jake asked him looking over at Shelley.

"The key! To my gun cabinet... it was in the drawer. And now it's gone!" The grandfather spoke again looking through some drawers.

"Yeah, Dad took it. All right. For safekeeping. It's okay." Jake told him trying to calm him down.

"Your father wants I should to fight them without a gun?" The grandfather said looking out of the window before hanging up the phone.

"God bless him. Whats his deal? Alzheimers?" Shelley asked looking over at Jake with pity.

"Dementia." Jake replied laconically.


It was now dark and Shelley was still driving, when a man appeared in the middle of the road out of nowhere, making Shelley swerve to the side.

"That guy gave me the heebie-jeebies. Holler if you need me." Shelley told Jake pulling up to a small one floor house as Jake got out.

After he unlocked the door he walked into the home and began looking around.

He walked out to the back seeing the back door screen all scratched up.

"Grandpa! Shelly!" Jake then called around the corner as Shelley went over.

"What's going on?" She asked looking over at him from around the side of the modest, little house.

"Someone broke in!" Jake shouted back at her looking over at the door once more.

"I have a .38 in my car, you wait there." She told him walking back over to her car as Jake turned around to see the fence also knocked down and damaged.

He went over and walked out to the woods and found his grandfather laying face down on the ground with a bloody carving fork in his right hand.

"Grandpa!" He yelled turning him over to see that he was missing his eyes.

He then picked his phone from his pocket and called 911.

"911, what is your emergency?" The person on the other line asked him calmly.

"911? Yeah I... I need the para-medics to 2040 Palm Circle. My grandpa..." Jake began to explain the dispatcher before his hand was grabbed and his phone dropped out of it.

"Sir, what is your emergency?" The dispatcher asked him again.

"Grandpa?" Jake then questioned looking at his hand then his face.

"You have to get away from here. Please, listen. Go to the Island..." The grandfather tried to warn Jake again.

"Sir, the para-medics come away." The dispatcher continued to speak into the phone not having any attention from Jake now.

"Find Emerson... The postcard... go to the loop... September 3rd, 1943." The grandfather continued not caring that he was in danger.

"It's okay, just... just don't move. There's an ambulance coming." Jake tried to explain to him as calm as he could.

"I know you think I'm crazy. But your aunt Astrid and the bird. They will explain everything. Will you do this, Tygrysco? Promise me?" The grandfather questioned him with a gravelly voice.

"I promise, yes..." Jake told him looking back at the hand that still had a hold on his wrist.

"I thought I could protect you. I should have told you years ago." The grandfather admitted to him.

"Grandpa! Tell me... tell me what! Grandpa!" Jake tried getting his grandfather to respond before looking up to see his boss.

As he looked at her he saw a huge monster like figure behind her in the shadows.

"Shelly, behind you!" Jake then shouted as she turned around and began shooting at the trees behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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