Anne of The Year/Reunion

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(Emma's POV)

A month later, me, Anne, and the Plantars all head into town square.
"Man, what is with crowd?" Anne asks. "Are fruit flies on sale or something?" She jokes.

"No. Today's the day they announce the "Frog of the Year award"." Hop Pop says.

"Frog of the what?" Anne says.

"Yeah, huh?" I ask.

"Frog of the hoppin' year, Anne! Every year, the town gets together and votes on the frog they think best embodies the values of Wartwood." Sprig explains.

"We all voted last week. Don't you remember?" Polly says.

"Huh. Not at all. Wonder why." Anne says.

"All right, folks. It's time!" Mayor Toadstool exclaims. "As you all know, the frog of the year goes to the most selfless, noble, blah, blah, blah...let's get on with it. And this year's frog of the year award goes to--well, this can't be right. Anne Boonchuy?" Toadstool says.

"Anne, you won!" I hug Anne.

Anne goes up on stage. "Wow! Thanks, everyone. I don't know what to say."

"I do. Are you people out of your frog-dang minds?" Toadstool exclaims.

"Hey!! Anne deserves it!" I yell.

"Hush, Emma." Toadstool says. "She don't deserve to host a party!"

"Party? What party?" Anne asks.

"Oh, it's one of our oldest traditions." Toady explains.

Time skip (cuz I'm lazyyyyy)

Anne's statue falls and sets the party on fire.
I run over to Anne to help her.

"You were right about me, mayor. I am selfish. I got so obsessed with proving I deserve this, I ruined everything." Anne hangs her head.

"Anne, we didn't vote for you because you're flawless. Heh. Far from it." Hop Pop smiles.

"We voted for you because of how far you've come." I say.

"Emma. You voted for me too?" Anne asks.

"Of course. You're my best friend." I smile.

Later, me, Sprig, and Anne all hang out on a nearby bench.
"Sorry I tried to rush you into confessing your love to Ivy. You do that when you're good and ready?" Anne smiles.

"Yeah. Plus, you're ten. You don't need a girlfriend." I add.

"Thanks, Anne. When the moment strikes, I'll know it." Sprig smiles.

A yellow frog in a blue-green beanie and and overall dress walks up to us. "Hey, Sprig. There's something I've, uh, been ask you."

She must be Ivy.
I smile mischievously.

"I, you, um..." Ivy clears her throat. "Do you think you'd wanna go out with me sometime?"

I smile more mischievously.

"Nevermind. I'm stupid. This is stupid. This is stupid." Ivy covers he face with her beanie.

"Ivy, wait." Sprig walks up to her. "I'd love to. Mlerp." Sprig pulls his hat over his face. "Wanna dance?"

"Heck yeah!" Ivy and Sprig run to the dance floor together.

"Ahem! Anne, Emma. There's someone waiting at the bridge for you guys. They say they're a friend." Toady says.

"A friend?" I ask.

Me and Anne walk to the bridge, when who could be waiting there, but Sasha.

"Anne? Emma?" She pulls down her cloak hood.

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