Chapter 5

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A loud Bang erupted from the gun the recoil almost knocking it from Y\N's hands, they felt the knot in their stomach only tighten feeling the zombie grabbing onto their wrists, its fingernails digging into Y/N's skin their grip on the firearm only tightening as the glass shattered under their back, Before Y/N could process the pain trying to wriggle their hands free from the undeads grip they felt a pair of hands embraced them as they got yanked away, they felt their skin get scratched as they got pulled away from the zombies grip clenching their eyes shut, with heavy breathing Y/N opened their eyes looking up at the phighter who helped them seeing skateboard, skateboard feeling Y/N's gaze fall on him looked over and gave them a small smirk, which would quickly be wiped off his face as skateboard tumbled almost falling over as the zombie landed in front of the two, the zombie stumbled as it got to its feet reaching out a hand to the two before getting Shot down by bright blue beam incinerating the zombie, it fell to its knees with a thud

"We're having a moment here!" Skateboard would yell looking back at where the zombie was, skateboard who still had some speed Before he realized he got knocked off his board hitting a wall launching Y/N to the ground in front of Subspace, he looked down on them with a frown seemingly annoyed that once again a match was ruined "Can you once. FOR FUCKING ONCE. not ruin our match." He spat voice dripping with venom Glaring at Y/N with disgust as per usual "What the fuck are you wearing?" Y/N looked up at the other wincing in pain as they covered their now slashed eye glaring daggers at Subspace.

"Who fuck do you think you are now, Medkit?" Subspace asked with a slight smugness to his voice before grabbing Y/N's Hand to see the slashed eye "Huh you really are medkit now" he snickered which earned him a swift punch to the cheek in return, the sound of the match's horn would blair loudly Y/N yanked their hand away from subspace covering their eye again before turning to see biograft standing there ready to swing at them before he could however Dom would yell out "STOP." which Biograft didn't listen to not until Subspace told him to.

Biograft almost immediately stopping at subspaces command their blade inches from cutting Y/N the blade a few inches from their neck, Y/N feeling a wave of heat erupt from biograft as steam came out of him, Medkit hearing the commotion would look over seeing Y/N distressed deciding to actually drop his anger for second to see if they're alright "You alright?." Y/N nodded silently, biting their lower lip as they thought. They'd try to walk away before subspace opened his mouth "So you aren't gonna tell them about the scar?" Medkit would shoot Y/N a glare "What scar?." Subspace would chuckle seeing how Y/N seemed to get annoyed "Yea! I think they're trying to cosplay you meddy!".

Y/N would try to leave before being yanked away by Medkit who dragged them into a separate room to check on their injuries, he had Y/N sit down on a nearby piece of furniture while checking up on them, kneeling down in front of them before pulling out a minature hammer "When i hit you on the knee do you feel anything?" he gently hit Y/N on the knee with a hammer which made Y/N flinch when it came into contact with their knee, "I'll take that as a yes..." Medkit spoke before standing back up looking at Y/N's eye, His face scrunched up a bit before as he though sterilized the wound which made Y/N wince in response, Pulling out a cotton ball pressing it gently against the wound, Medkit would reach for a bandage pad before he pulled the cotton ball away from the wound and placing a bandage pad on Y/N's eye "Remember to visit me tomorrow so we can get it checked up on more." Medkit's tone sounded more tired than usual.

Valk would enter the room groaning "Look. change of plans, You'll be staying with subspace and biograft for now since we don't think it would be appropriate for you to stay with venomshank and sword after the....incident that just happened" he sheepishly smiled, Y/N would stare daggers at Valk, Subspace could be heard yelling for the other room over "WHAT?!, I DON'T WANT THEM!." Y/N would look over to where subspace could be heard from "How nice." Y/N mumbled getting up and walking over to subspace, who was crossing his arms groaning as Y/n came closer, leading them to the car, Y/N sat down in the passenger seat leaning back into the seat letting out a tired sigh before slowly dozing off

Soon the car halted, subspace pulled his keys out of the ignition with a twist then unbuckling his seatbelt looking over at Y/N with a grimace he sighed, "Open their door" Subspace commanded glancing over to biograft, who did just that, Subspace would gently unbuckle Y/N's seat belt before kicking them out of the car "Wake up sleeping beast. We're here" Subspace yelled as Y/N let out a yelp before hitting the cold ground with a thud, groaning as they stood up slowly showing the middle finger to Subspace who only laughed at them before getting out of the car "You should get your annoying ass snoring checked." Y/N simply stuck their leg out to make Subspace stumble before tripping "maybe you should get your eyes checked." They chuckled as Subspace looked up at them growling before standing up and walking past them into the building.

Y/N would look around curiously as they followed Subspace through the hallways of his lab interested in some of the technological advancements blackrock had done, Subspace would unlock his lab letting biograft in first before following afterwards having Y/N enter last "Y'know i could easily have you taken away." Subspace chuckled as he looked over at Y/N "What?..." They tilted their head with confusion, "You aren't from here." Subspace's eye would show him smirking "So?. All of you know that" Y/N scoffed before turning around to ignore subspace "But the warden doesn't." he chuckled, walking closer to Y/N grabbing onto their shoulders as Y/n's gaze went from subspaces hands to his face "From now on you'll do things my way or the warden will know your little secret.."


Hey we're taking a little break as we're running out of ideas for this book, don't be afraid to say some ideas that you'd like for us to put into the story.

Tl;dr we're taking a hiatus

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