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Ethan had been out for a drive, trying to clear his mind after the posthumous birthday of Martha. His thoughts were still swirling when he returned home. But as he stepped through the front door and into the living room, he froze in his tracks, a deep chill running down his spine.

There, standing before him, was his father, a figure he thought he would never have to confront again. The room was charged with tension, and Ethan's mother was quietly sobbing in a corner, while his younger brothers, Daniel and Michael, tried to console her. The atmosphere was heavy with years of unresolved pain.

You... You have the audacity to show up here after all these years?!

Ethan's voice trembles with anger, and his fists clench at his sides. His father's arrival reopens old wounds that had never truly healed.

Ethan, I know I messed up, and I can't change the past, but...

Ethan cuts him off, unable to contain his rage.

(raising his voice)
"But" what, Dad? Do you have any idea what we went through after you left? What Martha had to endure? Her pain and suffering, and you... you weren't there for any of it!

Tears of frustration well up in Ethan's eyes, and his voice cracks.

I can't change what happened, Ethan, but I've come back to make amends, to be a part of this family again.

Ethan's anger intensifies, and he takes a step closer to his father.

You think you can just waltz back into our lives, and everything will be forgiven? Do you have any idea how much you hurt us? How you ruined everything Martha and I had?

Ethan's father lowers his head in shame, unable to meet his son's gaze.

Ethan, please...

Ethan's mother pleads for some understanding, but he remains resolute.

No, Mom, I can't accept this. You and my brothers may forgive him, but I can't. Not after what he did to us, to Martha.

Daniel and Michael continue to comfort their mother, torn between their loyalty to her and their father.

Ethan, I know I can't change the past, but I've changed. I've been through difficult times too. I want to be there for you and the family now.

Ethan steps back, his anger giving way to a deep, complex mix of emotions. He knows that his father's return doesn't erase the past, but he also understands that people can change. Yet, he can't bring himself to forgive so easily.

You left us when we needed you the most, Dad. I can't just forget that. Maybe one day, but not today.
Claire, who had been silently observing the tense exchange between Ethan and his father, couldn't help but feel a deep sense of curiosity mixed with concern. She had known very little about Ethan's family, as he rarely spoke about them.

(whispering to Ethan)
Ethan, who is he? Your father, right?

Ethan turns to Claire, his expression pained, but he can see the confusion in her eyes.

Yes, Claire, that's my father.

But you've never mentioned him before. What happened?

Ethan takes a deep breath, knowing that it's time to share some of the painful details from his past with Claire.

It's a long and painful story, Claire. My father left us when I was just a kid. He took away our savings, and it led to a lot of hardships, especially for my mother. It played a significant role in the difficulties Martha and I faced.

Claire's eyes fill with empathy as she absorbs this new information. She had known Ethan had a complex past, but the full extent of it was a revelation.

Ethan, I had no idea. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that.

Ethan offers a small, sad smile in response.

Thank you for understanding, Claire. It's not easy to talk about, but I'm glad I can share it with you.

Claire reaches out to gently squeeze Ethan's hand, offering her support and comfort in this difficult moment.

I'm here for you, Ethan, no matter what. We'll get through this together.

Ethan nods appreciatively, feeling a renewed sense of closeness to Claire. The challenges of his past may continue to resurface, but with Claire by his side, he knows he has someone who truly cares about him and is willing to support him in facing his demons.
(turns to Ethan's mom, with pleading eyes)
Sophia... I'm sorry. You have to believe me, it wasn't my intention. I made a mistake...

Ethan's anger was unrelenting. As his father tried to explain himself, Ethan's patience wore thin.

(voice filled with rage)
I've had enough of this!

He turned to the guards who had been standing at the door, watching the scene unfold.

Throw him out!

The guards, under Ethan's command, promptly escorted his father to the door, despite his father's desperate protests.

Ethan, please, he's still your father!

Ethan's mother's voice trembled as she pleaded, torn between her loyalty to her husband and her son.

If you want to stand by him, Mom, fine. But I won't let him bring more pain to this family. I'll leave this house for you. I promise I'll be back when he's gone.

With a final, regretful look at his mother and younger brothers, Ethan turns away from his father, leaving him standing in the living room, a painful silence hanging heavy in the air. The wounds of the past are far from healed, and this unexpected encounter has brought a flood of emotions back to the surface, testing the fragile balance of Ethan's life and his budding relationship with Claire.

The heavy door closed behind him, leaving behind a broken family, each member dealing with their own emotions, and a father who had hoped for redemption but had instead driven a deeper wedge between himself and his son.

Claire: The Diary of A Model 1[The Contract]Where stories live. Discover now