Chapter 1 Happy Fucking Birthday

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Sometimes we forget how nice life is, we don't appreciate the ones we love. The day my life changed was my sixteenth birthday in March of 2013. I hadn't really celebrated a birthday for years before that, Nana had always said it was a wasteful tradition, one of selfish need and pride.

March 15th, 2013

I had been at school an extra hour with the drama club finishing up sets for the upcoming play, and had almost forgotten that it was my birthday, until I walked into the house to find balloons and a banner proclaiming Happy Birthday. Nana sat on the couch in the living room with an uncomfortable smirk and my best friend of the past eight years Penelope was practically dancing around the dining room to my left.

I raised my eyebrows, but Nana just shrugged and nodded towards Pen. I giggled and turned towards her, " Why does my house look like an eight year olds birthday party?"

She smiled at me and pointed towards the dining table before walking into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and sat down at the table. Nana slowly stood up from the couch and walked into the kitchen, she grabbed a seat to my left and let out a sigh, " She insisted that we had to do something for your sixteenth... I should not have let her have free reign of the planning. Mr. and Mrs. Corvec were unable to take off work so it will just be us three."

Other than Pen I didn't really have any friends, and Mr. and Mrs. Corvec were her parents who had been like my own family for years, so it made sense that there wouldn't be anymore guests. The only reason I was so close to Pen was because she had been our neighbor since we were kids and she had taken it upon herself to become my friend in kindergarten. I just wasn't very good at really interacting with people.

I cringed as my best friend started singing Happy Birthday very off key and walking into the dining room. I bit my lip to contain my laughter. She was carrying a lopsided cake with purple frosting and two numbered candles proclaiming I was 16. It was clearly something she had made herself. As she sat it in front of me I saw the horribly printed Happy Birthday Alice smushed below where the candles sat. As the song finished I blew out the candles.

"What did you wish for?", Nana asked.

" Oh I knew I forgot something."

They both laughed as I scooped up some frosting onto my finger and tasted it.

We sat at the table eating the cake, and talking for a few hours before Pen clapped her hands and said, " Alright presents."

I glanced at my best friend as she brought over a small box, saying it was from her mom. I opened it and stared at the beautiful pendant inside for a long time. It was a small red gem encased in an oval shape and sat on a white gold chain. I had seen that same pendant on her mother for years, I felt tears forming as I cleared my throat, " I thought this had been a gift from her mother?"

"It was, but she wanted you to have it. Let me put it on you.", Nana said with an odd smile.

Something about all of this just felt off. Why were they celebrating my Birthday now after years of none of us celebrating, why did Pen and Nana keep glancing at me as if I were going to sprout fangs and suck their blood, and why would Pen's mother give me a family heirloom and not her own daughter.

Next was Pen's father's gift to me. It wasn't even wrapped, just an old shoe box, when I opened it I found a key I had never seen before hung on a leather string. Before I could even ask about it it was over my head falling onto my neck beneath the Gem falling to rest right below my collarbone.

Nana stood up and went to the kitchen retrieving a big present wrapped with silver wrapping paper. I could feel the shock clearly displayed on my face as she walked over to me and sat back down.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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