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"She calls us here for a meeting and is late?" Achlys groaned, God of darkness and death.

"She is a woman, she could be brushing her hair and making sure its soft." Aoife, Goddess of beauty and war assumed.

"That is more you. Luminous does not care as much like you do. She could be covered in mud and still think she is gorgeous." Brier, God of nature and space stated.

"Now that is not very kind thing to say. I do take some care in my looks." I appeared in a bright light and looked at Brier.

Aoife came over and hugged my arm, as I looked to see everyone here. "Did you call us to have some fun with the humans again?"

I pet her head and sighed. "That is what I would like to talk about." I took my arm back from her and looked at them all. "I believe it's time we start control those who become demons."

They all went dead silent and stared at me a moment then one another. They started laughing and looked at me once again. They seemed to think this was a joke. I was serious though. If there was no humans left, how are we supposed to remain gods.

Achlys looked at me and was the first to see I was serious. "You care for the humans? They are lowly beings. Let them perish."

I bit my lip and Brier crossed his arms. "Let those who are now demons, run and take out who they want. It is nature. Let it go on." He agreed with Achylis.

"Little sister, the way humans turn into demons is beautiful. Why should we control it?" Aoife looked at me confused, but with a smile on her face.

I clenched my fists and looked at all of them one at a time. "If things keep going on, then there will be no humans for us to rule. I been experimenting with my powers. I finally found a a way to drive out darkness."

Achlys walked closer to me and grabbed my chin. "Darkness is strong. There is no way we will allow you to do this."

I moved his hand away and sighed at him. "Please understand. We need to put a balance in the human population."

Brier grew came closer and flicked my forehead. "The balance is fine. Things are going according to life. Let things go on as they are."

I looked over at Aoife who was filing her nails, no longer interested in this, but said her view. "Sister, you are too kind hearted. We all love you, but let this go. This is the beauty of life, darkness consumes them and they transform."

"I cannot let this go. We need to control the demons." I stated and a shadow was thrown to me. I quickly let out a blast of light to it, and it went out. "Radiance!"

Achlys struck at me, trying to prove a point, but I put it out. He looked at me stunned. "I told you. I found a way to drive out darkness."

Brier gave me in disproving look."Let this foolish idea go sister. You are 200 years old now. It is time to grow up."

Aoife was just watching everything curiously, and now interested in our brothers trying to get my sense of 'reason' back. I was the youngest among my siblings, however I took after mother, and kept balance to things. Things went out of balance when she died and gave us each her power.

I was young when she died and was given the last power of light and blessing.

"Mother would not agree with this. If you will not bring the balance she had back, I will do it myself and end your reigns." I stated and they went silent.


"Master, what do we do?" Erza's voice? She sounds worried.

"Is there a way to bring her out of this?" Lucy too?

"The only thing we can do is wait. Natsu and Grey tried." Masters voice was concerned.


Its not their fault. They do not understand and are just scared of the power. This is the fear of humans.

I closed my eyes and took a breath. "I refuse to fight with your kind. I will not raise a fist or a single speck of my power on you."

I stood still and looked at them,as they held torches and threw them at my, along with rocks and anything that could be used as a weapon. I saw one person with tremendous darkness inside them.

My hands were bound and I looked at this human male. He was not a demon, but instead someone able to absorb it the darkness without dying. He was looking at me with pure hatred. His eyes showed no emotion towards me and he glared.

The humans feared me now that all the demons were gone. They fear with one goddess still alive that it will allow demons to rise again.

I looked at the people and refused to show fear of what I knew was my end. I  looked into the eyes of the male and smiled politely at him. "I forgive you."

This seemed to make him angrier. "Shut up you demon!" He spat and grabbed my neck with his left hand

His eyes were glowing and shadows were released from the hand on my neck. They swarmed my body and soaked into my skin. I didn't struggle, but I did not want to scream either. My body felt like it was on fire. I was sweating profusely, while I tried to breath slowly, but it did not end up helping. I took a breath and spoke in my mind.

Only those with light hearts could hear it. Those that were able to see past the fear of the others and remain kind. There were only a few.

'Darkness will consume all. Shadows will come and conquer the light. Demons rise again. Light will vanquish the darkness. Take my power and use this to keep them at bay.'

I felt my vision start to fade. As my eyes were too heavy to keep open. I just wanted to sleep, and the pain was no longer a problem. Just sleep. I eventually closed my eyes and it was over.

Kaeli, The Last GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now