Our fight

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Kaeli fell to the ground and the magic holding Laxus down vanished. With her now at life's end, the spell was no longer. He ran to her and caught her before hitting the ground. He picked her up like she was a a thin piece of glass that would break any moment. He began to walk away with her when he heard words from the one that caused this.

Dolus woke up and remembered nothing of what happened, except that he saw the girl he cared for unconscious in another person's arms. "What happened to her?.."

Laxus stopped walking and looked at Kaeli. She sacrificed her life for yours. It time for you to find a purpose and live it. Do not dare to let it go to waste!"


Kaeli sacrificed herself, hoping the demon would vanish, but instead it stayed. It seemed to be stronger as each day passed. The citizens of magnolia were evacuated and the towns close by were also. Things were in rubble. Building were demolished and the prized Fairy Tail guild was a wreck on the ground.

The members of the guild were beaten and battered. In a safe place, lay Kaeli's body. She was in a coma so it seemed. The odds of her waking up were slim. Almost zero to none. Natsu refused to let her go and Wendy kept trying to heal her everyday. This kept Kaeli's body warm and hanging on. Her life was hanging by a thread.

Lucy and Levy burst into the room with a book that looked like it would tear at any moment. It was from Kaeli's home estate library. "There is a way to save her!" She smiled. "She can be revived with pure white magic or her own magic." She stated.

Everyone just looked at her like she was dumb with the last part of the statement. "Lucy.. if she is In a coma, she can't use her own magic." Mira told her.

Lucy shook her head and waved her hands. "I know that!"

"Then hit her with white magic!" Grey smiled.

"She has to have it from the source, it can't be just any white magic. We need Sting." Levy informed.

"We don't have time for that. We don't have time to get him. Not with this demon going around." Laxus looked outside at the chaos.

"We have to find someone she shared her magic with. Her own magic can help her." Lucy looked around for Natsu with no luck.

Erza sighed. "He went for Sting."

"That idiot! He is someone that can help her!" Grey yelled.

Mest shook his head as everyone looked at him. "On it."

Mest left and in those few moments he was gone, a crashing came and the room was torn apart. A giant hand hand smashed through the wall, with the most inhuman, demonic roar being heard. The members of Fairy tail screamed and yelled, but were either trapped or not able to get by. It was staring at Kaeli's lifeless body.

The guild members rushed to protect her as the feeling of hate, guilt, fear and many more were able to be felt by the demon.  Mest returned with Natsu. With the situation that was going on, Natsu did not want to waste any time. He knew he had to bring her back because she was the only one that could defeat the demon. Natsu could only injure it and weaken it. It needed her complete pure magic.

Natsu looked at Kaeli and did not waste any time. "God flame dragon mode! Holy brilliant flame!"  Natsu yelled and lit both his fists up, bring them to each other. They created a giant flame that he let forth on Kaeli's body.

Everyone yelled for Natsu as the demon was throwing another punch and picked him up, crushing him. He screamed out in pain as the Demon roared in anger. "Radiant Sun!" At that moment, a giant golden light came forth and blinded everyone. She was back.


I heard yelling and screaming of someone being hurt terribly. I recognized that scream. It was Natsu. I heard the loud roar of a demon and my eyes shot open. My eyes disappeared as I created a giant light that blinded everyone and made the demon drop Natsu. "Radiant sun!"

I watched it move back a bit and grunt. It affected it, however I felt all negative emotions. It seemed familiar. Really familiar. I looked at it and in some twisted way, it looked like my siblings connected as one. "What is this?"

"You killed us." I shook my head in a hurry, as I watched it speak to me.

"I didn't mean to! I thought you had good left in you!" I cried.

This was somehow my siblings. I did not forsee this part coming. They came back, but only with negative emotions and together. Someone messed with their corpses and made this. It was Dolus when he was controlled by the darkness. I had to kill them all over again.

I felt myself start to tremble and I landed on the ground. "I can't kill my family.. not again.."

I heard it speak again. But this time it was fighting with itself. "End this! Stop it! You're the one who always fought her!" I stood there and just listened on to my siblings fighting. "She was always so spoiled! She was young and still did this to us."

I shook my head and looked at the demon. It held its head and let out a growl of pain. "I still can't do it.. not again. I'll be alone." I shook and backed away from it.

"No You're not." I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked at Natsu.

"You have us." Grey smiled.

"Fairy Tail protects each other." Lucy stated and pulled out a zodiac key.

Everyone in Fairy Tail smiled and even the injured members stood up to fight this battle with me. It was not just my fight. It was ours.

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