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Aniyah pov
Later that night
Aniyah is with her girls and they are hitting the club to blow off steam

Bree: You made it to another new semester bishhh

Don't remind me a new year a new little boy crush I'm have to push away

Dena: you can't help that you a bad bitch

Bree: speaking of crush are you finally gonna give coach smith ass a chance

Hell nah that negro thirsty ass hell. I want to enjoy tonight

Aniyah and her girls go to their own little section to have a great night

KJ Pov

Calvin: I can't believe you talked me into coming out your ass supposed to be packing

I am packed you need to let loose we about to be college boys for tonight try to lose up

KJ and Calvin go get a drink and they catching up with some of they friends when KJ see Aniyah from across the room

Hey Cal look over there then girls are fine as fuck. Especially that beautiful queen sitting at the end . Let's go over there and talk to them

Calvin : I don't know

You will be alright let me do the talking.

KJ makes his way pulling Calvin along to Aniyah and her friends

Hello beautiful ladies how are y'all doing

Bree : we doing good are you gonna buy us a drink

Aniyah : now Bree

Bree: what I'm asking

Of course ladies
KJ takes 100 out and gives it to her

Hey I'm KJ and your name is

Aniyah : Aniyah

Can I ask you to dance Aniyah

Aniyah is hesitant but she takes his hand and they go to the dance floor as a slow song comes on .

You are beautiful

Aniyah : you probably say that to all the girls

No only you I might sound crazy but I like your vibe

Aniyah : You don't even know me

Well is that a invitation to get to know you

Aniyah : Maybe

A fight had started in the other side of the club and it started chaos . Aniyah gets snatched by her girls and they run to the car and Calvin gets him and KJ out to of there.

Aniyah Pov

Dena : Girllll what a night that guy Calvin is a real gentleman

Bree: it's a shame I like mine with a little hood In them

Dena : calm down sexy red

Bree: anyways how was your dance with mr KJ

It was nice he smelled good and he intrigued me it's a shame I didn't get his number

Dena : he got social media for a reason we gonna find his ass.

KJ Pov
Man dude I'm so pissed I was close to getting her number dawg . Her ass got a dude in a trance

Calvin: well you know how the saying goes if it's meant to be it will come back .

True dat . Did you have fun tonight bro

Calvin : I did her friends are a trip

You got any of they number

Calvin : nah but they was giving me advice on how to approach girls

Your main thing is confidence if you gain that you are gonna be a menace the girls gonna flock to you . I remember that girl April you had a crush on

Calvin : yea she was my first and she was my first heartbreak

She missed out bro

Calvin: where I'm dropping you off at

Drop me off at the crib I'll slide your way in later

Calvin arrives at KJ house

Calvin : alright text me bro when you on the way

Kj walks in the house and starts packing the rest of his stuff and his mom says something

Keisha :what do you think you are doing

I'm getting out of here

Keisha : you wasn't gonna tell anybody

What for you haven't been a mother to me or my brother in the one that had to bury him cause you was too high to do anything

Keisha : you think you are so grown

I know I am grown but I shouldn't have to be but I got no choice because of you so this is good bye

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