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KJ: So, this is college. It definitely feels more free than high school.

Calvin: It still has that prison aura about it.

KJ: Oh, that is never gonna go away with anything involving a school. Hey, look, here comes April walking this way at two o'clock.

April: Hey, guys, didn't know you all were attending here!

KJ: Yes, you're not the only bright ones in the crayon box.

April: Calvin, can we talk about things?

Calvin: April, we don't have anything to talk about. You made your choice, I made mine. Have a good semester.

April walks away.

KJ: I'm proud of you. There are plenty of fish in the sea.

Calvin: You're right. Let's go get our room.

Aniyah's POV

Bree: Good morning, girl.

Aniyah: Good morning.

Bree: Any luck finding Mr. KJ?

Aniyah: No luck. It's like he's a ghost.

Bree: That's a good change because very few people don't have social media.

Aniyah: True.

Coach Smith: Hey, hey, what are you ladies talking about today? Is it about me?

Bree: None of your business. It's girl talk, and you should be the last person we talk about.

Coach Smith: Anyways, Aniyah, you look as great as always.

Aniyah: Thanks, I appreciate it.

Coach Smith: If you need any help with anything, let me know. I'll be there.

Aniyah: Alright, I will. Bye.

Coach Smith: Bye.

Bree: Girl, you got his thirsty ass parched.

Aniyah: Whatever, girl.

Bree: Let me get my ass to my classroom. Good luck.


KJ walks into the classroom and sees Aniyah.

KJ: Aniyah, hey, what are you doing here?

Aniyah: KJ, are you my student?

KJ: Wait, you're my student? You're a teacher here?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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