Chapter 4

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I wake up to Olivia purring into my face. I pet her for a minute before I get up to brush my teeth a put my hair up. I go down stairs to the kitchen, and I start cooking my mom's French toast. I hope it's good enough for him. I hear his foot steps coming down the stairs and I smile wide.

I fell asleep on him last night, and he took me to my room. I told him he could stay in my room, but he kissed my forehead and told me he'd see me in the morning. I felt slightly rejected in the moment, but I'm glad he slept somewhere else because, it turns out, he only sleeps in boxers. I wouldn't have slept a lot. But here he is now, walking into my kitchen, just in his boxers.

"Good morning," I say and turn around. I try not to react to his well toned body.

"Good morning," he mumbles and walks towards me yawning.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Very good, that bed is really comfy." He says wrapping his arms around my waist and putting his face into my neck. I softly scratch his shoulder with my free hand.

"I'm gonna turn around, okay?" I say, letting him know before I push my ass into his dick on accident. He nods and I turn to keep working on the French toast. He places his head on my shoulder.

"I like it here."

"In my house?"

"Yeah and with you in my arms. This is might be my favorite place to be."


He nods and kisses my shoulder that was exposed for the oversized sweater.

"Will you hand me that plate?" I nod my head towards it.

"Yes ma'am." He reaches all the way around me without taking a step and grabs the plate.

"Thank you." I say, moving the french toast to the plate, "go sit, Trav."

"I can help."

"Sit down." I say strictly.

"Yes ma'am."

"Thank you." He lets go of my waist, and walks to the bar. I eventually finish up the plates and take him one, setting the other in my seat.

"I'm very excited Taylor. Thank you so much for making breakfast." He says, standing up to pull out my chair for me.

"You don't need to do that," I smile, "You're welcome."

"Yes I do," he says and pushes my chair in with me in it.

"Thank you." I say and he kisses my head.

"Alright, darling," he smiles, sitting down, "let's try this French toast."

I take a bite out of mine to make sure that it's good and I nod. He eats a piece and smiles.

"Holy shit."

"I told you."

"So fucking good," he says taking another bite, "I'm gonna need you to be at my house on game days."

I laugh and nod, "Todd got you all your stuff right?"

"Yeah he took it upstairs last night while you were asleep," he says, "Speaking of... I'll be right back." He smiles and takes off upstairs.

He's so cute. I think he might have a little bit of ADHD. He's always randomly remembering things and forgetting what he's saying in the middle of his sentence. He beats himself up about it, calling himself stupid, but I think it shows a side of him that not everyone gets to see. He was never diagnosed with anything, so who knows. But I find his forgetfulness rather adorable.

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