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Small disclaimer - this is technically enhas pov at first but I still refer to you as "you" if that makes sense

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Small disclaimer - this is technically enhas pov at first but I still refer to you as "you" if that makes sense.
Enjoy ~ 🐧❤️

While you were taking a fat nap, the world didn't stop. As you lay lifeless, the people around you gasped in horror.

"Shit. What do we do with her?" The maknae spoke first.

"Language Ki." Jungwon snapped out.

"I don't know dude. Is this even a good idea anymore? She passed out at only the fangs? I don't think she's ready to get bit." Sunghoon sighs.

"We don't have a choice guys. You know if the contract really said everything then no one would ever sign it. We need the blood." Heeseung adds with a shrug.

"I kind of feel bad. This is a lot of information at once. We should at least let her get settled before we tell her the rest." The fox-like boy, who hadn't said a word, finally chimed in.

"Ok let's just get her to a bed or something? Her neck is going to be so stiff bro." Jake said, getting up from his spot. "Jay?" He added giving his best puppy dog eyes to the fellow 02 liner.

Jay rolled his eyes, "Fine, I'll carry her. You guys know I'm the strongest. It's ok to admit it." He smirked at his friends, gaining some weird looks. He picked you up bridal style, finally getting a good look at you as the hood fell off your head. "She's actually really pretty." The man whispered under his breath. The staff led him to another smaller room with a sofa that was barely big enough for you to lay on.

The seven men stood huddled around the tiny couch just watching you peacefully sleep. The juxtaposition to your rather forward first impression made them want to stay and soak up the peace.

"It's already 2 am, you guys head to bed. I'll wait until she wakes up." The leader assured, kicking his members out the door before they could refute.

1 hour later ~

When you woke up, you were in a different room. As your eyes adjusted to the brightness from the round led light on the ceiling, you realized you were laying down. The couch was stiff and your back felt sore. It only took you a moment to sit up before you realized there was a boy sitting on a wooden chair next to you. It was Jungwon, his head bobbed backwards and jolted him awake. He let out a yawn while stretching his arms up in the air, still not opening his eyes. You couldn't help but giggle, alerting him that you were now awake.

"Sorry, I must have dozed off a little. How are you feeling?" The sleepy boy asked.

"Well I'm fine, I guess. So all that from before.." You asked, trailing off as you spoke.

He rubbed his neck, avoiding eye contact. "About that... I know it's a shock but we don't hurt people or anything. That's why we have the contract. It makes things easier for us and you. We have our show tonight and leave tomorrow so there isn't much time to talk but I promise I'll explain everything. First you need to pack." He said finally meeting your gaze.

You didn't really have time to think about how to tell your family or what to bring. This was all happening so fast, you needed a moment to mentally evaluate everything.

"I really do apologize, I can see this is a lot to process. I'll have our driver take you home, we both need the rest. He'll come get you later before the show starts." Jungwon says as he gets up to leave.

"Wait, I'm going to the concert?" You question.

"Of course! We've got a section for special guests." He says with a smile. If he could wink he definitely would have. With that he exits the room, leaving you with your jaw practically on the floor. A thousand things should be running through your head but all you can think about is seeing the show tonight. Funny how the brain works.

Holy fuck, you were actually going to see Enhypen perform. Wait, you get to live with them, why are you so excited about one show? Live with Enhypen. This is actually real, you could cry right now.

On the way home you just stared out the window into the night sky. Your city wasn't much, in fact it was so plain people never even really traveled here. It was easy to say goodbye, you had a few friends from high school but no one close. Honestly Egg was your best friend even though it's sad to admit. Your parents loved you but they were itching for you to get a job and move out. Nothing was tying you there, still the tears fell. You would miss the boring town and your parents nagging. Good thing Egg could come, otherwise there was no way you could have left.

The car arrived and you thanked the driver. You returned to your home like you had never left it. Crawling into your bed was all it took before you were passed out once again.

9:00 am ~

The alarm blared into your ear drums. "Shut the fuck up dude omg." You whined at the inanimate object, but it blared on. Your hand searched for the phone before eventually hitting the stop button. The peace almost made you fall back asleep but then you remembered. There was only one day to pack up your entire life, luckily you were going to make bank so clothes weren't that important. It was about time to talk to your parents. Hopefully they will be understanding?

"Um what? You found a job, you get to live for free and travel? Sounds like the dream job. I'm jealous honey, you made sure it's legit right?" Your mom asks.

"Yes! My employer already showed proof of everything. I promise, I wouldn't have agreed if it was a scam." Although that's not exactly true, you couldn't tell your mom that a famous kpop group, who were also vampires, needed your blood. That might have shook her core so bad she'd probably die from internal combustion.

"I can't wait to tell your Father. He's going to be so happy for you." She said, giving you a big hug.

"It's ok, you can tell the truth. I know you just want to kick me out already." You hugged back, giggling.

"I'll definitely miss that sarcastic tongue young lady. Call me all the time ok? I'll be worried if I don't hear from you at least once a week." She said, rubbing your back.

"Of course Mom. I wouldn't dare forget about you." You quipped back. She laughed, letting go of your embrace. "I better get packing, love you."

She smiled, waving you off to your room. Honestly that went a lot smoother than you thought. Of course quite a few details were left out but she got the gist of it. Your dad would croak if he knew you would be living with seven men. Actually you hadn't even thought about the fact they were men. In any other circumstance you would have dipped immediately but this was Enhypen. You felt like you knew them and you were practically drooling over them on a daily basis anyway.

The day went by faster than you thought. Your essentials were in two suitcases. The driver had just arrived and informed you that they would be picking up all your stuff before the flight tomorrow so you had one last night at your home. You got in the car and headed to the venue. Your outfit was a white long sleeve turtleneck with a black dress over top. It was important your feet didn't hurt so you just threw on your white platform converse and a little heart necklace that fit perfectly.

The car pulled up to the back of the venue, passing by thousands of fans waiting wrapped all around the building. Time to see the best show of your life.

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