Making Friends?

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It was Sunoo's turn

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It was Sunoo's turn. You found this out when the man practically burst into your room. Jungwon had just left and you were cuddling with your baby. The suddenness of the door opening sent Egg flying and you were quick to sit upright.

"It's my turn! Do you mind if I come in?" The fox-like boy happily pranced into your room. Why even ask if he was just going to come right in?

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" You say sarcastically. "Of course you can come in."

He smiled at your response before jumping on the bed next to you. You giggled at how excited he was.

"I've been waiting to have some alone time with you. I'll make this quick then I'd love to talk with you about the last couple of days!" He exclaimed.

By now your right arm, which had two bite marks, was feeling a little limp so you asked if he could go on the left. His fingertips traced over the previous marks, eliciting a disappointed expression on his once happy face.

"Those guys left the most ugly things on your beautiful skin. We can't have that, mine will definitely be the prettiest." He huffed out. The spot he picked was on the inside of your upper arm.

You could feel his tongue first, then his teeth lightly puncture your skin. Unlike the rest, he removed his fangs and sucked directly on your open wound. Tracing it with his tongue then pursing his lips around the pooling blood. His foxy eyes slightly open, his one hand under your arm pressing it to his mouth and the other rubbing your back softly. He looked so sexy all you could do was gawk at him.

After a few seconds, he removed his mouth but left his hand on your back. He swiped his tongue across his plump lips. Your jaw had to be on the floor, you thought Heeseung was trying to seduce you? This man wasn't even trying and you were ready to drop to your knees for him. All he had to do was ask.

"Now that's how to do it. I might not be born a vampire but I definitely adapted easily. Now let's chat." He spoke confidently. "It must have been hard, totally changing your life like that isn't easy. I went through something similar so please feel free to talk to me."

You almost forgot that Sunoo's life abruptly changed into one of a vampire, yet he still has such bright and joyful energy.

"Well to be honest, I wasn't really going anywhere. I felt trapped in my life and Enhypen was a huge escape for me. Listening to your music gave me so much happiness. To think I was actually walking around my town hoping to run into you when those guys grabbed me. I thought I was a goner but really now I think they saved me." You let out everything at once. The boy next to you had an inquisitive look on his face.

"Wait, so you were looking for us? I still can't believe those guys just snatched you right off the street, how idiotic. Seriously we are all so sorry that happened, I heard Manager O gave them hell." He revealed, gaining a small laugh from you.

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