Electric Shock Showdown

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[After two weeks training and being lost, the gang have finally made it to their destination: Vermillion City].

Group:Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray [cheered the group as they celebrated on finally making it to the city]

Green:Finally,we made it!

Brock:I have to hit the laundromat!

Lexus:And I can finally relax. All that walking is making my legs hurt [she was rubbing her left thigh]

Ash:I'm gonna find the Vermillion City Gym right now!

[But before he can charge in, Green put his hand on Ash's backpack]

Green:Hold on a minute, Ash. We can't forget about our Pokémon [Green reminded as he points down].

[They look down to see their Charmander and Bulbasaur lying on the ground, completely exhausted. Their stomachs were also growling].

Ash:Charmander!" [yelled Ash as he picked his Pokémon up with Green doing the same with Fern]

Green:I guess all that travelling and training made them hungry.
Lexus:Can't say I blame them. We haven't eaten for three days"                                                             Ash:Hey Charmander! Are you hungry little buddy?" [Ash asked his Charmander until another stomach growls but this time it came from Ash]

Green:Look like our Pokémon are not the only ones that are hungry [He teased].

[Ash chuckles nervously]

Lexus:In that case, our first stop is the Pokémon Center.

[The group nod their heads and they went in the city]

[Having made their way to the Pokémon Center, Ash, Lexus, and Green placed their Pokémon on the counter].

Ash:I think they're hungry.

Nurse joy:We'll fix Pikachu and Bulbasaur up [Nurse Joy said as she was about to treat both Charmander and Bulbasaur. She then notices the group staring at her].

Nurse joy:I know why your surprised. I look like all the other nurses do I? My first cousin works in Pewter City and my second cousin works in Viridian City. I think I'm the prettiest one. Don't you? [she asked with a giggle]


Green:Still a little weird that they all look identical' [He thought with a sweat drop]

[Suddenly the Pokémon Center door opens and a boy with a Chansey pushing a stretcher with an injured Rattata on it rushes in].

Boy:Hurry! You'll be okay Rattata! Hurry!"

[The group watches them in surprise as they rushed pass them]

Brock:That Rattata's in rough shape. I wonder what happened [Brock said with a frown]

Nurse joy:Oh, it's the 15th one brought in this month" [Nurse Joy sighed]

Green:What do you mean?

[The nurse led the four friends to a room where all other trainers were with their injured Pokémon].

Lexus:What in tarnation! What happened to all of them?"

Nurse joy:They all lost to Lt. Surge, the Vermillion Gym Leader.

Green:The Gym Leader did this? He must be pretty powerful and brutal to do something like that [Green said as he recalled his gym battle with Brock . He can tell that his next gym battle is gonna be tough]

Ash:Whoa! He must be a great trainer.

Lexus:So, Ash. You scared already?

Ash:No way!

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