
570 17 3

"Can you move it the left side it looks a bit messy"

Mrs Kim stated examing the room
As the guards lefted the bed up taking it the left side much to their dismay, this was the third time Mrs Kim asked them to switch the positions of the bed, all they could do was hope that this was the bed's final stop.
The house filled with servants running here and there preparing for the arrival of their long time family friend, Alpha Jeon Jungkook, second son of the Alpha of Evergreen who has been a part of the family since his teenage years, but unfortunately he had been given an assignment by his father to go some neighbouring packs for alignment so he had gone. But to the Kims surprise Jungkook called them yesterday to inform them that be would be landing back to Korea today.

Mrs Kim stroked her chin as she thought of the position of the bed she was about to talk when the guards held their breath praying what they hoped for comes to pass.

She clapped her hands with a wide smile
"Perfect, Now unto the wardrobe"
She ordered making guards visibly smile but groaning on the inside, she gave orders to the maids to clean up the room for the second time as she went to the kitchen to examine
She had told some other servants to go get the groceries so it would be prepared before the evening.

She checked the kitchen equipment she would use that were properly placed in order she smiled and nodded to herself.
She stepped out of the kitchen with her hands on her hips before she stopped feeling like she's forgotten something. She calculated, pointing at the kitchen then upstairs as if she could magically see the rooms.

"Room, living room, groceries, what else-oh!"
Exclaimed quickly calling one of the servants attention then asking her to tell Taehyung he should wake up cause his school would soon begin, the maiden bowed before heading up the stairs to the young Alphs's room.
She took a deep breath before softly knocking on the door and stepping back right after knowing the Alpha dislikes being woken up by somebody aside for him.

Soon she heard a loud groan after her second knock braising preparing braced herself for what was to come when the door flung open.

"The fuck do you want?"
The Young Alpha asked clearly pissed off with his messy bed hair covering his face only in his sweatpants.

The maid swiftly looked down blushing but she even though she was used to this by now.

"Luna asked me to wake you up for school"
She said softly almost to softly for Taehyung's liking he just furrowed his brow in anger.

"When I go, I go. Today should be the goddamn last time you fucking even think about knocking at the door"

He used his Alpha something he normally does when he's angry.

She mumbled something due to the intimidating voice making Taehyung even angrier.

He asked not knowing why she was still here.

She flinched a little before saying.
"Y-You h-have to b-be back early b-because Alpha Jungkook would be arriving" she stuttered out making Taehyung astound by the revelation

He said calmly his aura visibly changing as he asked wanting to make sure he heard it right.

She repeated herself and blushed when Taehyung just stared at her in a daze like state she still blushed.
After some minutes which felt like eternity for the poor maiden he nodded his head dismissing her, she bowed before taking her leave.

When he was sure she was gone he went back in his room closed the door leaning against it as he used his forearm to cover the blush on his face

"Jungkook is coming" he whispered to himself then letting out a smile which genuinely everyone would find creepy but coming from him he was just a lovesick puppy.
He stood there till his heart began beating normally before he paced towards his bed but abruptly stopped when he saw himself in the mirror.

'what if mom complains to Jungkook about me' he thought not wanting to be on Jungkook bad side he quickly entered the bathroom after stripping.

He came out with a towel wrapped around his waist and another on his hand drying his hair, as he walked in his walk in closet to pick his outfit of toady. Usually he would wear something dark that made him mysterious to others but knowing that Jungkook was a sucker for cute things, he decided that was how he would look today, bringing out a brownish sweater with black Jeans and some sneakers finishing off with his bangs lightly curled at the tip. He smirked at himself when he saw his reflection on the mirror on other days he would brush his her back back but not today.

Getting his phone from the nightstand he made his way downstairs to see his mother inspecting the maids that came in carrying ingredients in their hands and the guards bringing some house furniture the he could careless about. He walked up to her

He whispered close to her ears causing her to be startled and placed her hand on her chest after she turned around to see it was taehyung.

"Geez Taehyung, Good morning to you too"
She said sarcastically but Taehyung wasn't one to return jokes ever since he was small.


He paused

"Where is dad?"
He asked

"Oh, He and Namjoon left to the Evergreen pack for some leader Alpha meeting and Namjoon followed to see his mate"
She explained

He nodded his head

Then silence

"Is true Jungkook is coming today?"
He asked with tint of blush on his face but just lightly.

"Yes he is, but it's later today"
She stated to Taehyung to which he nodded.

"When is he coming?"
He asked with a blank look on his face

"Around 8 since he said he was meeting his Pack first"
She smiled, at time like this Taehyung always wished he was from the same pack as Jungkook.
Nevertheless he can't wait to see the later, he leaned down to peck his mother's forehead to which she returned it with a small placing her peck on his cheek as this was a way they said goodbye

She said earing a nod from Taehyung before he walked out the house to his car, waiting impatiently for 8 to arrive already.

A/n:Hello it is I the me. Or whatever
I actually thought that writing a story would be as easy as saying it but hell it was hard I had to describe everything I really respect those who finished their stories
And hopefully it will be this same for me. I don't know who I am talking to lol 😂. Anyway hope enjoy the chapter.

T. K

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