Chapter three

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Bonnie p.o.v

Times like this are the days I miss Enzo. No he is not dead, Henrik brought him back from the dead when he was two years old. He traveled with Tyler to go bring in some new students from Denver, they will be back by tomorrow.

I am so stressed right now, I just finish teaching the senior witches on how to focus their energies together. No Henrik mikaelson does not attend this class because his magic is too powerful that it will melt anyone who tries to channel or siphon from him.

Walking to the staff room to finish up some work before tonight, ah tonight yes, it always so stressful because we need to make sure that we have everything ready for the wolf's, and also making sure that they are no students except from Henrik roaming about.

Walking down to the wolf transitional cellar I heard the voice of two of my best friends arguing as per usual.

"I know that Caroline okay, I am not stupid" Damon shouted.

"Now let's not go about saying things we don't mean now Damon" I said to him approaching him.

"Bonnie thank goodness you are here, maybe you can knock some sense into him as Elena is currently busy at the moment to do it, God knows he needs it before he makes a mess out of everything".   Caroline said hugging me.

" He wouldn't be Damon if he didn't make a mess of things". I said hugging the life out of her with all the strength I could muster given that she is a vampire.

"Oh you love me judgeyDamon said whilst simirking.

Seeing them argue tends to bring a smile on my face, as they both love each other but will never admit it.

"Now what's all the fuss about" I asked heading back to business.

"Can you imagine this idiot tried to get Henrik to ditch Klaus tonight knowing fully well of their tradition".

" Damon I know you are stupid, but even you can't be that stupid enough to try and do that".  I said having a hard time believing what Caroline was saying. Everyone knows not to ask Henrik to ditch his dad even if the whole world was ending yet here is this idiot going about doing something that could get him seriously hurt or worse killed. Did he really care little about his life I wondered amazed at his level of stupidity.

"I just brought a suggest to him Bonnie, I mean he could really take away some of the pain from this guy as he is turning,  he can help the guy much more than we can". Damon said. Although his reasons are logical, he still should not have tried to force the hand of the kid.

" I understand what you mean Damon but tonight means a lot to Henrik, we can't just keep asking him for favours and favours, let him spend the night with his dad like he always does, tomorrow he can help the wolf".  I said to him even though Henrik's presence would have reduce the wolf's pain by a whole lot, we are just gonna have to do this without him.

After that being said and done, the three of us walked about to make sure that everything was set for the wolf's to turn without any complications also and again thanks to Henry. He had  set up wards around the cells and even though he is not going to be here to help out, he prepared a magical quish that mirrors his emphatic abilities to help reduce the pain of the wolf's as they turned and he also set up a comfort charm to help ease their minds to make the transition a lot easier and faster for them.

"Bon we really need to get ready so that we can get going to recruit the wolf". Damon said.

"Have you got the package Henrik made for us to ensure our safety in recruiting the wolves"? Caroline asked me.

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