Chapter four

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Daniel Mikaelson p.o.v

Grunting at the loud snores coming from my roommate who I am also ashamed to call my cousin, I threw a pillow hitting his face, the idiot is so sound at sleep that he did not even wake up. Signing, I got up from my bed and went outside on the top of my roof.

Taking out my joint, I rolled it and using a lighter, I lit it and put it in my mouth. Taking a drag, I signed in relief as I smoke away all my problems.

"You okay there bro"

Flinching, I my joint fell out of my hands at the unexpected guest at my safe heaven. Turning my back I signed in relief that it was just my cousin and not some staff, if it were to be the latter, I would be toast right now not because I am scared of the teachers here, God no I am a Mikaelson but because they will contact my mum and she will slaughter me if she finds out I am doing drugs. Seriously, my mum does joke, just thinking about her ever finding out gives me goosebumps.

"Nik you idiot you scared me"!

" Ha I thought you are a wolf, sharp hearing and all that or perhaps those wolf abilities skipped a generation". He said to me whilst snorting.

Oh how I wish I could wipe that smirk of his damn face but again my mum will kill me if she finds out that any member of our family is hurting one another that''s excluding Henry of course.

Henry, hmm. Just thinking about that name brings a whole lot of emotions and not good ones I tell you.

Signing I turned to my idiot cousin who I love so much "not really in the mood right now bro".

" Hey what's wrong man, I hate seeing you this sad, come on you know you can always talk to me". He said with a whole lot of concern written in his face.

Now I am not really one to play favourites but I got to say that Nik is one of my most favorite persons in this whole big world. He is so caring and loving, will always make you laugh, so overly protective of his family and loyal to a fault.

I really don't know what is it about him that makes me feel so safe,  the safe feeling and assurance that  I will never be alone in this world. I don't know if it's because of the warm aura he carries or because aside from my twin and cousin Teo, he is the only one who can understand how my body works.

Yep, Nik is a witch-wolf hybrid just like my twin and I. My aunt Rebekah and Marcel adopted him when he was just 3days old. His parents were murdered by a vampire and as luck would have her way my aunt Rebekah was passing through the bayou when she found him. He is the same age as me and two years younger than our big couz.

"Dove was crying yesterday, she was so sad and scared".

Standing up to his feet, he turned to look at me with a maniac look in his eyes. Eyes glowing gold, he said to basically growling and looking for blood.

" Who hurt her, tell me Danny"!

"Calm down man".  I said to him soothingly trying to ameliorate his anger. Seriously, we're wolves when angry are not to be messed with especially if those wolves got witch magic in them. Those two hybrid combination are deadly.

" Calm down! You telling me to calm down. If anyone laid a finger on her I am going to make them regret being born. Let's go grab Teo and finish them".

Oh yes Teo, our other cousin who is probably the wildest one out of the three of us. He is uncle Kol and Davina biological son.

Aunt Davina transferred uncle Kol to a wolf's  body shortly after Henry was born. One thing lead to another and Aunt Davina was pregnant of him.

He is a total nut job I am telling ya, he will literary skin any one alive if they mess with his family.

Standing up, I grabbed my bros shoulder firmly, I needed to ensure him that Dove was okay, he is very protective of his family and will not take anyone disrespecting them or making them upset.

"There is no need to bring Teo into this. Dove was just upset about always and forever coming to an end."

"She spoke with aunt Beks". He asked me in a small voice which shattered my already broken heart.

"Hey brothers".

"Teo?'. Well you know what they say, speak of the devil and the devil shall come.

"Having a secret meeting without me". He questioned with a mischievous smirk on his face, I tell you he is truly uncle Kol's son.

"Hey Tee"

"What's with the sad faces brothers".

Walking back to seat at the roof top, I turned to look at the." Just discussing the state of our family that's all".

"Oh yeah about that, mum called me and told me that a conclave is to be held tomorrow to discuss how we are going to go about our family".

"You knew about this and it did not occur to you to let us know" . Nik said to him getting angry about the Fact that he is just letting us know.

A conclave I thought, that will be a very good plan. Suddenly hope and happiness bubbled in my inside, finally our family might just be reunited again.

"Calm down Nik mum just told me not quite long". Teo said defending himself.

"Are we going to be a part of this conclave"?. I asked him hoping that he would say yes even if I know that we will most likely not be attending.

"Nah, mum said it was for just the grown ups".

Man that really sucks.

"But I was thinking that we could form our own conclave".

"Teo you are a mad genius", we should not be excluded from this and if they won't let us attend, then we might as well form ours". Nik said to him with a joyful simile on his face.

" Great plan, tomorrow we will let the girls on the plan but for now, we should get some sleep".

Standing up I went back to my room after we all exchanged a good night to think about what tomorrow might bring, I really want my family back together again and I will go an extra mile to make sure that it happens.

Author's Notes

So done with the fourth chapter of this book, this was a little bit shorter than the rest but I plan to start the next chapter on a brand new day which will be about Raph and Landon meeting Henrik.

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Merry Christmas to you all.

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