Chapter 1

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Meya's POV

"Do you really have to go to Seattle this soon?" My mom asked looking at me in my mirror as I fixed my hair. I looked up only to see her wipe a tear before I could see. My heart melted at the sight. When our eyes finally met she smiled faintly at me as she reached out to help me with the finishing touches of my hair.
There was a small moment of silence before I broke it to answer her.
"Mama I have to leave today. My new job starts in a week and I have a lot to do before then." I said trying to hide my breaking voice.
"I know! I know! I'm just going to miss my bebe nina so much."she said gently rubbing my shoulders.
I turned to face her. Our short frames parallel to one another before i wrap my little arms around her. "I am going to miss you too mama. More than you could ever imagine."
We stood there basking in the moment which will soon be a memory for both of us.
My mom was my best friend and leaving her and my entire family behind was heart shattering but I needed to leave. This town and everything in it are thornes to the peace I needed so I took the first opportunity I had to leave. As hard as starting over may seem, it is necessary.
"Meya! Come on we have a flight to catch!" My brother yells from the base of the staircase outside my room.
"Ok lets go." My mom says breaking our hug to look at me.

"You look beautiful. Just like your abuela." We smiled at each other sheepishly before scurrying to go downstairs.
I grabbed everything I needed and trailed behind my mom to our porch.
"Do you have everything?" My dad asks as he walks closer to me. I nod before giving him a warm hug. "I'm going to miss you." He breathes lightly trying to be macho.
"I am going to miss you guys too." I said patting his back.
"Ready?" Mario, my insanely annoying but loveable brother asks.

"Yep. All packed and ready to go." I said looking up at him.
"Alright let's hit the road. It's a long drive to the airport and as much as I want you stay I wouldn't want you to miss your flight."
I quickly entered the front passenger seat and strapped in my seatbelt. I looked through the window as my parents held each other as they smiled sadly at me.
Tell Maya and Malik I love them ok and I'll be back in Christmas to visit them."
"We will." My dad says before waving to me.
Mario started the car and I could feel the butterflies fluttering in my stomach
I glanced at him before taking one last look through the window.
I mouthed *I LOVE YOU* to my parents and waved at them as the space between us gets deeper.
I whipped my head away as soon as the tears came crashing down . If I looked any longer I would have probably unpacked and went back upstairs to my room and that would be counterproductive for me right now. As I dabbed my cheek with my handkerchief I smiled at the the thought of the moment I had with my mom earlier trying to suppress the emotions I was feeling.
"You ok kiddo? Mario asked.
"Yea. Never been better."
He took up his phone and tapped the screen a few times before the stereo flooded the car with a familiar tune.
*I've been walking in the same way as I did* I looked at him as he placed his phone in the side of the door and reached out to hold my hand. He smiled at me as if to say I hope this makes you feel better before gently squeezing my hand. I smiled back before gazing at the luscious vegetation that races alongside us in the car. The afternoon sun and moderate wind embraced me in unison. This is something I will definitely miss.
It rains a lot in Seattle...something I look forward to .
3 hours later

The rest of the ride to the airport was quiet. Besides the small sing alongs between me and my brother, the ride was serene. It was what I needed to set in the thoughts of moving to the North West.
We pulled into the airport parking lot as the sun drifted to slowly to its setting.
We removed all my luggage from the car and made our way to check in. We waited patiently as we went to the necessary process before moving close to the gate where I would board my flight.
"I guess this is it." My brother says looking at me.
"Yea. I guess this is." I said picking at my cuticles.
"Hey Meya..."
I looked up at him so he could continue.
"I know how important this is for you especially with everything you've been through the past two and a half years and I also know how scary it is for you but just remember we love you and that right now finding yourself and putting yourself back together is just as important to us as it is for you ok. Never ever forget that and whenever you are ready to come back home, there will always be space for you." He said nervously.
I hugged him.
"I know and I love you. And thank you for being the best big brother I could ever have"

He hugged me tighter as we both tried to ignore the announcement over the PA system. I heard him sniffle a little and stepped away.
"Are you crying ?" I asked admiring one of the rarest moments known to man from my brother. He doesn't show emotion unless it was really necessary. He chuckled a little.
"I guess so."
After exchanging goodbyes once more, I made my way to the gate and boarded the flight. As the plane ascended into the early evening sky I started to imagine what this new chapter meant for me and how I would have to eventually facing my demons sooner or later. But for right now I am just going to allow myself to escape into the midst of it all.


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