To you cutting yourself...

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TW: Self Harm, Blood

Draco Malfoy:

- He saw your fresh scars while you were sleeping in his dorm

- He waited till you wake up.

- "Oh sorry I must have been falling asleep." (Y)

- "No problem Y/N." (D)

- You noticed that he started at you

- "What?" (Y)

- "I've seen your scars..." (D)

- You started tearing up and covered the place where your scars are

- "I'm sorry." (Y)

- "No no no no no you don't have to be sorry, not for that. I love you Y/n, you know that right?" (D)

- "Yes i do." (Y)

- Then he hugs you for a long time.

Mattheo Riddle:

- He would knock a few times and then just enter the bathroom of your dorm where he sees at first your eyes filled with water and then your wirst and the blade next to you.

- "Oh darling..."

- He would come over to you and use his shirt to clean your wrist

- He would talk to you the whole time trying to make you think about something else

- "Draco just fell down the stairs right into professor Snapes arms, that was funny."

Theodore Nott:

- He knocked a few times at the bathroom door and when you didn't replay he just opened it

- You were sitting on the bathroom floor the blade in your hand

- Blood was dripping down on your leg

- Theo tried to not tear up

- He took some toilet paper and made it wet, than he sat down next to you

- "Come on darling." he pointed to his lap to make you understand that you should sit down between his legs

- When you did he took the wet toilet paper and cleaned your scars with it

- From now on he'd come every evening to your dorm to make sure you're okay.

Lorenzo Berkshire:

- He was bored and he wanted to surprise you and bring you some flowers so he entered your dorm without knocking

- You were sitting on your bed crying and just looking at him

- He dropped the flowers came over to you and then he noticed the blood

- He teared up

- "Oh gorgeous."

- You got up from your bed and enzo hugged you gentle

- He didn't mind that your blood got over his clothes he just huged you and when you calmed down he helped you cleaning everything up

Blaise Zabini:

- You entered his dorm

- "Are you alone?" (Y)

- "Yes why?" (B)

- "Can i show you something, but you have to promise you won't be angry..." (Y)

- "I won't." (B)

- You sit down next to him and show him your arms

- "Oh Darling..."

- He runs his fingers over your scars, it feels very comforting

- "You are so strong my Love and I am so damn proud you told me."

Regulus Black:

- You had poisons class with him but you didn't show up so he decided to look for you

- Some slytherin girls told him you where running to the restrooms a few minutes ago

- He entered the girls bathroom he opened cursorily every door, behind the last door you were sitting on the floor and blood was dripping to the floor

- He walks a few steps back looks at you, then walked towards you to sit down infront of you and kiss your forehead

- "Love- I- Do you want to skip class with me and go for a walk to talk." (R)

- "Yes..." (Y)

- He helps you get up and cleans everything a bit, the you both go on a walk and talk about everything

- From now on he tries to comfort you more often

Tom Riddle:

- He entered the bathroom without knocking and sees you sitting on the floor your back leant to the wall, you try to hide the blade behind your back and cover your fresh scars

- But tom has already seen it, he grabs some toilet paper, hands you the toilet paper so you can clean yourself.

- He sits next to you and looks straight waiting for you to finish cleaning everything

- When you're finished he takes the blade whats still behind your back and stands up to find other things you might use to do it then he leaves and throws all the things into the bin in his dorm

How the Hogwarts Boys would react/act... Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now