Rain drops

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Rain, rain go away. The only thing your doing is causing me pain. When will this end? Your not my friend. Save my wife and kids, I close my eyelids. I was just living, your not forgiving.

I watch my kids play around on the cloud. I hold my wife's hand. I notice the sky getting darker, it started getting colder. It was always cold, but when the sun wasn't shining, it was night and cold.

"Okay kids, time for bed! You can play tomorrow!" My wife said in a cheery voice. It was a normal day. Just having fun. It was boring sometimes but, when we get bored we look down; out of the clouds and down onto the ground. Never jump. That's dangerous.

Are kids turn around and sigh. "But moooommmm~" one of them groan. My wife shakes her head. She had made up her mind. They were going to bed.

My wife and I made a small hole into the cloud and our kids laid in their holes: getting absorbed by the cloud. We made our own holes and went to bed.

In the middle of the night I woke up. I got out of bed and looked around. I saw a cloud coming towards us, it was far away and empty. But everyone else were probably asleep. I decided to go back to bed.

When I woke up, everyone else were already awake. My kids were playing and my wife was watching them having fun. I sat down beside her and held her hand. I leaned my head on her shoulder.

"I love you." She whispered. I smiled at her and kissed her. "I know you do. But no one will love you as much as you love them." I loved her, so much. Nothing bad was going to happen... (😈)

We saw a few clouds colliding. They got darker, everyone was watching. I could see the impression on their faces. They got darker and darker.

Then we saw it... the wet, fast, almost invisible, water drops. The rain drops screamed as they were falling down and hitting the ground. Everyone on my cloud were staring in shock.

We then looked around and realised we were moving towards the cloud, with other clouds around us. Everyone froze. We were going to die. Our kids, our wives, our husbands, our friends, our relatives. Everyone.

"QUICK. GET AWAY!!!" A rain drop yelled and tried to jump to the other cloud, I think they were trying too get away. But they fell. A loud scream could be heard as they fell down and hit the ground. Everyone started screaming and running around.

Me and my family all huddled up together. We got closer and closer to the other cloud, my wife then moved away. We all had been hugging so tight that we almost collided.

Suddenly. We hit the other cloud. The could got darker and darker. My wife fell, me and my kids looked traumatised. We were shocked and saddened. We couldn't believe what had happened.

The floor under me disappeared. I started falling. I saw everyone around me. I saw an elderly couple hugging each other, colliding into one. I saw my wife, all alone. I tried screaming out for her but over the others screaming you couldn't hear mine.

I look up and see my kids falling. I stopped screaming, it felt like all the knowledge of life had hit me. I felt nothing. No pain. No sadness. No nothing.

Then. It hit me- more like I hit it. The ground. "AHHHHH" I moaned in pain. The hard ground hit me. And in that split second I realised, I would never see my kids grow up. Never see them be happy. Never see them ever again.

I took my life for granted. I never noticed my kids. I barely talked to my wife... did I even love her? Did I love myself? I was always mean and cruel. What is wrong with me...

Rain, rain, you cause me pain. I wish you would get away. But anyway, I deserve this. I deserve to never die in bliss. I wish I gave my wife a kiss.

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