A Beautiful Witch

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In a realm of darkness, where shadows dance,There lived an ugly witch, with a cursed chance

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In a realm of darkness, where shadows dance,
There lived an ugly witch, with a cursed chance.
Her crooked nose and warts upon her face,
Made her an outcast in this cruel place.

But as the sun would set and darkness fell,
A transformation occurred, a secret to tell.
For when the moon rose high in the sky,
The witch would change, and her beauty would fly.

Her hunched back straightened, her skin turned fair,
Her eyes sparkled, her raven-black hair.
No longer a witch, but an angel so bright,
She soared through the night, a celestial sight.

Her wings spread wide, glistening with grace,
She flew through the stars, leaving no trace.
Her heart was filled with kindness, her soul pure,
She brought hope to those who felt unsure.

The villagers, unaware of her dual form,
 feared the witch, causing her heart to mourn.
But little did they know, the beauty she hid,
The love she possessed, the compassion she bid.

One night, a young boy lost in despair,
Encountered the witch, unaware of her care.
He saw not the ugliness, but the angel within,
And with open arms, he let her in.

The boy and the witch formed an unlikely bond,
A friendship so strong, a connection beyond.
She taught him of love, of acceptance and grace,
And he taught her that beauty lies in every face.

Together they faced the judgment and scorn,
For the witch's true form was still forlorn.
But their love prevailed, shining through,
A testament to the power of what's true.

And so, the witch continued her dual life,
A hideous creature by day, an angel by night.
But in her heart, she knew her worth,
For beauty is not defined by one's birth.

For in the darkest corners, where shadows reside,
Lies the potential for beauty to truly collide.
And the ugly witch, with her wings unfurled,
Taught the world that true beauty transcends the world.

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