civil convo w goku

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Hi! I'm Goku!

goku solos

Goku solos what? Apples? Banana?

u tell me

Goku solos the entire 5th grade class on dodgeball?
Goku solos the Z fighters in Rock, Paper, Scissors?
Goku solos Goku in arm wrestling?
Can you narrow down your request?

can you solos everything

Yes I can solo everything.

As long as everything includes:

Children under the age of 51 cup of chocolate puddingA single, non-flying pigeonA pair of regular adult pantsMy own ass after a visit to Taco BellThe current US presidencyA round or two on the Wii-Sports Resort archery archery minigame

Then yes, Goku solos everything.

uno reverse

Alright. Alright, you got me. Goku doesn't solo UNO.

what about chichi

Sorry man. Goku can't even solo his own wife.

seriously brother

Chichi is strong, and I love her. But she's a mommy's girl. The women in the family run the show.

So yeah, even Goku can't solo Chichi.

stay strong my bro

Don't worry. I have. She can throw hands, but her real weapon is her tongue. Sometimes literally. She can use words to make me do whatever she wants. I can't even lie. Chichi's got me wrapped around her finger like a pretzel and I'd be lying if I said I minded ٩(♡ε♡ )۶

oooh ok must be pretty spicey in the bedroom then

Well ... we never speak of that part of our relationship.

c'mon man, just between you and me. homie to homie wha'da u say?

Sorry man I swore to her an ironclad oath that if I discussed such things with anyone, I would be forced to eat a bowl full of Chichi's chili con carne. I can't risk that. I'll do anything for Chichi, no matter how bad it is. She's worth it.

dang that possay must be worth it

Trust me. It is.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05 ⏰

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