Chapter 3

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Everything is cold.

She can’t breathe and everything is cold. It’s all that registers. And then Becky breaks the surface of the water.

Her legs keep kicking and her arms keep reaching out for anything that might keep her afloat, as her body desperately works to keep her head above the water. She splutters as she tries to suck in oxygen.

It’s pure, raw instinct. Becky can’t even think, in that moment.

The water rushes through the buildings, dragging her with it, and she sees floating cars and other people and power lines-


It breaks through the shock, through the layers of gauze her brain seems to have wrapped itself in.

Becky suddenly hears everything, and she turns toward that voice.

“August!” she screams, looking around, trying to keep her head above the water. It’s cold, so cold.

How are the little ones going to stand it?

Her babies. Freen.

Becky looks around desperately, but she can’t see them, any of them. She looks for a familiar head of dark hair above the water but all she can see is trash and debris.

“August?!” she screams again, because she did hear him, she’s not imagining it.

“Here! Mom!”

The cry for help cuts her to her bones, and she furiously swims toward the son she can’t see yet.

She kicks her legs, registering pain for the first time, but pushes through it because her son needs her.

She finally catches sight of dark hair, skinny arms reaching toward her.


Becky doesn’t see it coming.

It’s a plank of metal of some sort, gaining speed as the water pulls it, and Becky doesn’t even register it’s heading towards her.

“Mom, watch out!” August screams, but by the time Becky looks, it’s too late.

The temperature of the water is not enough to numb the pain as her already battered body is dragged forward and under, her shirt and chest trapped by the jagged edges of the metal.

She can’t hear anything over the sound of the water rushing above her ears, but she knows August is still calling for her, still screaming for help, so she grabs the metal by it’s side and pushes, cringing at the sudden sting.

She pushes once more, and sinks below, letting the piece of wreckage rush above her. She kicks her legs until she reaches the surface.


“Mom, I’m here!”

Becky sees him, her smart boy, clinging to the side of a building, and she tries to swim toward him, but the current is too strong. It just keeps dragging her away.

She whips her head around, trying to find something, and then her vision zeroes in on a tree.

“August!” She yells. Her throat feels raw. He’s becoming so small she can barely see him.

“Swim to me!” She waves her hand, calling for him, and only turns around long enough to grab a branch.

And then she sees him moving, fast, toward her.

“August!” Becky finally squeezes him in her arms.

“Mom,” he cries, holding her tighter, and even though it hurts, and everything's hurts, Becky doesn’t complain. Her son is safe with her.

Love Will Find A Way ( FreenxBecky)Where stories live. Discover now