First meeting

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You were idly cleaning your one room apartment, a random channel selected as background noise. You weren't paying too much attention until a specific announcement on TV made you stop and stare.

Filled with excitement, you immediately stopped cleaning and ran to your phone. Checking posts on the main kitchen nightmares account proudly announced the same thing. You switched to text and messaged your friend, Sam

S - Yes! This is insane I never thought they'd bring that show back.
Y/N - I've never been more excited until now!
S - I can guess why...

You paused and felt your cheeks burn with embarrassment, and a little bit of shame. The reason you were excited was because, for the longest time, you was in love with Gordon Ramsay. You didn't exactly know what or why you were attracted to him, but there was something there whenever you'd look deeply into his blue, pixelated eyes through the TV screen (your TV is ass btw.)

You sat thinking before finally answering Sam

Y/N - It's not just that, I'm excited to learn how to cook again! (Your cooking is ass.)

Sam - Right. You could just look online for that? You can't fool me I know what you are.

Y/N - Shut up, I'm telling the truth! You said it yourself that I'm bad at cooking and I like having professionals teach me rather than watching people deep fry everything (Ass.)

Sam - Sure.. Hey, I was just looking online and I heard Gordon will be visiting that little cafe near you tomorrow!

Your heart skipped a beat, your breathing hitched. He was going to be here? I'd actually get to see him?

Y/N - No way.

Sam - Yes! Tomorrow, 2:00 pm at Chris' Cafe. I can meet you there and we can find a good spot.

Y/N - ...

Y/N - Sure.

The Next Day : 1:30 pm

You rushed through your apartment, checking yourself in the mirror every now and then. You'd decided to go casual, but added a few extra accessories in hopes of standing out.

There was a knock at the door, answering, you found Sam, dressed casually too, minus the abundance of accessories.

Sam - "Woah! Who are you trying to impress?"

Y/N - "N-No one! I just thought I'd stand out for the.. for the cameras!"

Sam - "Mh hm.. Let's go then, we might miss him!"

Rushing through the crowd, you felt a tight knot in your stomach. Was this such a good idea? Why am I doing this anyway, it's not like he'll actually see me..

Before you could question yourself anymore, you felt a harsh shove behind as Sam began to usher you through the crowd towards an empty table in the café, close enough to the counter... And the kitchen. Sam giggled with excitement.

"This is kind of scary! A real celebrity is going to be here!"


"What's up? Feeling nervous seeing your boyfriend in person?"

You felt that familiar burning on your face.


Sam giggled again

"I'm just joking. Here."

She picked up a cold glass of water and held it to your cheek. You gasped from the sudden shock.


"Your face is bright red!"

"Stop! You're making it worse!" Wiping water from your face, you scanned the small room. He's not here yet...

Sam's continuous giggling midly distracted you, until you heard a bell ding, your heart leapt as your head swivelled around to see him.

Your breathing seemed to slow down as you saw him walking closer to your table, before sitting exactly opposite of you and Sam, smiling and nodding, then getting caught up in conversation with the cafe's owner

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Your breathing seemed to slow down as you saw him walking closer to your table, before sitting exactly opposite of you and Sam, smiling and nodding, then getting caught up in conversation with the cafe's owner. You quickly turned away only to be met with Sam's beaming face. With your face reaching a new shade of red, you turned away only to see about a dozen more people staring in your general direction. Looks like nowhere is safe. You ultimately settled on picking up a menu and staring down at it in hopes of hiding as much as you can. Hearing his voice drone in the background was as melodic as you remembered and you felt a smile gradually grow on your face.

Sam - I don't think we should even order anything, I mean, there's a reason *he* is here.

Y/N - But we can't just sit here.

Sam - Eh.. Fine.

After scanning the menu for a while, you finally settled on pancakes and bacon with some tea. When stating your order to the waitress, you were suddenly interrupted.

"I wouldn't order the bacon if I was you, love. It's fuckin' raw."

You hadn't realised your mouth was hanging open until your starstruck state was broken when you heard him let out a low snicker, followed by Sam's high pitched giggling. Realising the cameras were now on you, you ducked your head.

"O-Oh! Um.. In that case, I'll just have pancakes."

Half way through your breakfast, you saw Gordon stand up and head to the kitchen. Sam looked towards you, her eyes wide and her smile even wider. You attempted to lean to see even a glimpse of him, but all you saw was the illuminescent yellow light of the kitchen, all you could hear was mumbling of voices and the clattering of cutlery and dishes. Suddenly voices seemed to erupt from the kitchen and the owner stormed out, followed by Gordon and the camera crew. Sam was practically on the edge of her seat, her mouth gaped open and her eyes shining.

"This is so cool! I never thought I'd get to see it play out in person! Also.. them sausages have made me feel sick.."

With that, she ran to the bathroom, leaving you on your own. You played with the remaining scraps on your plate and blew air from your lips dramatically. Is this really what you came for? A brief interaction and possible food poisoning? What were you expecting? Leaning back, you couldn't stop the mounting disappointment cloud your thoughts.

"I'll just leave the cash and go.." you thought, until the doors flew back open, an enraged Gordon stormed through, yelling obscenities at the owner over his shoulder. God he looked hot like that. Because of the sudden action taken place, you saw Sam quickly run back to your table and jump into her chair. You couldn't help but smirk at the fact she'd missed it, but not you.

Leaving the cafe, you and Sam talked endlessly about how cool it was to experience Gordon Ramsay in action.

Hugging each other goodbye, you went your separate ways. Being by yourself left your head full of thoughts of Gordon, what a rush you felt when he spoke to you, when he stormed out the cafe, when he berated the staff. You finally realised, this is why you like him, you like the aggression, you like the scenarios you create in your head, you love his intense energy...

And with that you ran home and created a 1000 chapter self insert about you and him

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