part 2

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You were in your kitchen, still shaken up from the dream you had last night when you heard relentless banging at your front door. You panicked, no one had ever been this desperate to visit you before....

Slowly making your way to the door, you gripped the handle and twisted it open, Sam stood on the other side.

"Sam? What are you doing here? And why are you knocking on my door like that??"

"It's an emergency! I was looking online and found out Gordon got food poisoning from one of the restaurants he visited!!"



you raced around your apartment, throwing together an outfit and half- assed doing your hair before rushing past Sam down the flight of stairs out of the apartment complex. You started looking up all hospitals close to you, he'd be in one of them, the only thing you can do is check every one I guess...

Sam struggled to keep up with you as you stormed down the street before making it to the first hospital. You flung the doors open and the people inside looked at you bewildered, your unkempt appearance didn't help.

The office clerk paused before addressing you

"How may I help you?"

"Did a new patient with the last name Ramsay check in today?"

"Are you family or related in anyway?"

"I'm his..."

You looked at Sam and she returned your gaze with a blank look.

"..I'm a friend, I heard about him getting sick and wanted to visit him."

"Uh, ok, just a minute, he has some visitors right now so if you'd kindly wait in the waiting area here?"

You begrudgingly took a seat next to a mother and her child who both eyed you warily. Sam sat next to you and stared at the small TV in the corner.

"They never have the channels I like..." She murmured.

You stared at her quizzically before your attention was turned towards a beautiful woman leaving a hospital room. You couldn't help but stare as she walked towards reception and spoke about something you could quite hear. Another receptionist motioned for you to enter the same room the woman had exited, which created a put in your stomach. You'd hoped Sam would follow you in as support but, turning around, you found her occupied with one of those metal bead toy things.

You sighed before making your way to the room and slowly openimg the door.

There he was... Beautiful as ever, he looked like an angel dressed on a light blue gown. His eyes were closed and his face looked soft. You cautiously made your way to him and sat on a chair near the bed.

Now that you were here, what are you going to do?

You suddenly felt awkward, this wasn't the first time you'd acted without thinking when it came to Gordon... You sighed before looking at him again, before his eyes slowly flurrered open.

You froze as he looked at you, confusion growing on his face as he attempted to figure out who you were. You continued to stare as confusion turned into worry as Gordon quickly reached for the call button next to him. You jumped out your chair and stared in shock and panic. Gordon looked at you warily, repeatedly hitting the button until two nurses rushed in. You quickly acted, rushing past them and put of the hospital entirely, Sam close behind.

Sam questioned you all the way home but you only gave vague answers. Your kind was occupied, unsurprisingly, with what had just happened and despite almost getting into deeper shit with the nurses, you could only think about that woman that was there before you.

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